Worst Things About Middle School/Junior High

The Top Ten
1 The Students

They're just too loud and follow all the trends

2 Homework

We should do work at school, not at home. Home is where you should spend time with your family and friends and not have to stress about school too much.

My middle school gave us so much homework that I didn’t have time to do anything else

3 Teachers

Most of my middle school teachers were nice but some of them were mean. Here are some examples of mean teachers
- my 5th grade technology teacher(she hated everyone)
- my 8th grade English teacher (she was so evil. All of the students hated her, including me. In fact, I even had NIGHTMARES about her)
- my 8th grade literature teacher (she was very controlling and gave out stressful assignments. She also lectured like she was threatening people)
- my 8th grade special ed teacher (she was very strict and blamed every bad thing I did on my autism. She also wrote inaccurate things about me on my IEP)
- my orchestra teacher (she was so crazy that everyone quit her class)

This is the worst part of my life

4 Locker Rooms

My middle school had carpeting in the locker rooms. Who the heck puts carpeting in a locker room?!

5 Peer Pressure
6 The School Administration
7 They Can't Deal With Adolescents Properly

The don't know how they should deal with diciplin, or even now to deal with "the good kids."

8 You Have No Freedom

Although you feel as though you deserve freedom, you are given none whatsoever

9 It's an Awkward Time

I was going through puberty

10 Math
The Contenders
11 The Ineffective Assignments
12 Stress

I have had panic attacks in class before due to my anxiety. Trust me, they are not fun

Jr high was kinda stressful I remember when it was stressful for me a few times

13 Substitutes
14 The Lockers
15 Passing Period

We only get 4 minutes in a school that's extremely over crowded (over 1,100 kids and 40 kids per class) and I always have classes on the other side of the building. Plus we aren't allowed to go outside so everyone uses the same hallway to get across the school.

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