Worst Things About the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Episode 'Putting Your Hoof Down'

The Top Ten
1 Fluttershy was a jerk

She wad SO mean to Rarity and Pinkie Pie but this episode actually makes her a round character. She has another personality other than just being kind.

2 Fluttershy was taught to act mean

Curse that Iron Will

3 Angel was a brat

Yeah, he's always a brat. This is why I probably dislike him more than RD. Because he's constantly taking advantage of Fluttershy.

Yeah he made everything bad for Fluttershy

4 Iron Will was a terrible teacher
5 Ponies acted mean to Fluttershy for no reason

They treat her like a doormat or pushover!

6 It had a bad moral

Not really. Sure the bad moral is being mean but the good moral is that you CAN be assertive or say NO if you want to BUT don't take it WAY too far. That's the moral of the episode.

7 It encouraged bullying
8 Pinkie Pie and Rarity were attacked for no reason
9 Fluttershy had bad reasons to act mean
10 Angel acted rude and ungrateful
The Contenders
11 Fluttershy overreacted to Rainbow Dash's requests
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