Worst Things About Public Transport

The Top Ten
1 The Smell

A woman behind me kept breathing cheese and onion down my neck. I could smell every syllable she spoke

Breathing on people is disgraceful

2 The Idiot

Not the same idiot who always added JB to every list, is it? If he's on the bus or train next to you all the time, Britgirl, I certainly feel for you.

There is always one and he / she always manages to find a seat next to me!

3 Chavs

Not many people are worse to share public transport with than a bunch of drunk chavs who swear all the time, brag about their 'bling' and blare crappy music from their tinny phone speakers.

4 They're Dirty

Someone once left a half-eaten Pot Noodle on the bus floor and it almost spilled all over my new shoes. Another time there was dried mud all over the seats.

Burger wrappers, chewing gum, sticky drink. ,

5 Miserable Bus Drivers

My perspective on this changed recently when I saw one dressed as Santa. Now I really can't take them seriously!

The grunt their response at you - if they like you.

6 The Noise

That is possibly very true, you being body. But I haven't been to Britain, so I don't know what you sound like

7 It's Always Late

Exactly, I always find myself waiting thousands of hours for the bus/train to arrive.

8 School Children

Yes, they can be a nuisance, but they're often too young and immature to know better. Unless they're throwing pebbles at passengers they're not the worst people to share public transport with.

9 The Timetables are Never Left Alone

My local bus company used to change theirs almost every month.

10 Pushchairs

People with these insist on getting on first. If I get on with bagfuls of shopping how am I supposed to get through these offenders?

The Contenders
11 The Queue

Well, I say queue. There ARE no queues anymore. It's everyone for themselves now. I'm small and almost always get pushed to the back.

12 The Expense

I really would rather not work out what I spend on train / taxi / bus fares every week. It would only make me cry

13 The Length of the Journey

Having to spend the duration of the journey with everything on this list! Hmph!

14 Strangers Talking to You
15 You Have To Share It
16 People Bumping on You All the Time
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