Worst Things About Reaction Videos

Here is my top ten list on why reaction videos should stop being created.
The Top Ten
1 For the most part, they're nothing but someone saying "Nooooo!!!"

True just type in "my reaction to x" on Google Search and one of the first things you'll see is a clip of someone screaming no.

They all very bad video

2 They are complete wastes of time

I agree with this one. I don't get what's the point in these. You're essentially watching a person react to a video and that's it. It's the pure definition of cancer on the Internet.

Precisely. I don't waste time seeing how idiots think about a twerking transformer, and I wouldn't care to publicise it either. Why people would is completely out of my reason.

3 They are uninspired
4 They can cause flame wars
5 They react to irrelevant things

Precisely. TheFineBros just have people react to modern stuff that isn't even cool or interesting.

6 Nobody cares about the uploader's opinions
7 They are overdone
8 Sometimes people make reaction videos out of a week or two old news story
9 They're not entertaining
10 They can get you taken down for copyright infringement

Move this to number 1

The Contenders
11 They are so boring
12 They give you no reason to click on the original video
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