Worst Things About School Shootings

Since the Columbine High School Massacre will be marking it's 20th anniversary this year in 2019, I decided to make this list.
The Top Ten
1 The deaths

There shouldn't be a list abt this because everything abt school shootings is horrible

The deaths are always sad like in the sandy hook and the florida shooting

2 The trauma kids get from school shootings

It is scary when shootings happen at least there was never a school shooting in my school

3 There have been too many of this kind of tragedy
4 The fact that mentally ill people can easily get guns and shoot up their school
5 The motives of perpetrators
6 The harsh reality of experiencing a school shooting
7 Little kids have died in school shootings
8 It makes children worry if a school shooting will happen to them in their life
9 Some people shoot up their schools because they were bullied

Just look at the episode from Static Shock where this kid Jimmy was bullied to the point where he steals his fathers gun with the intent of shooting his tormentors.

It is okay to murder the bullies though. Also bully victims so they do not victimize innocents.

That is not good if they do a shooting in their school if their bullied

10 They trigger annoying and pointless marches and movements
The Contenders
11 They make responsible gun owners sick
12 As long as people have guns, they are going to happen

But what if a group stabs a whole school?

13 The media covers them for weeks or even months after they happen

That depends on what the school shooting is.

14 Schools getting demolished because of them
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