Top Ten Worst Things About Society

The Top Ten
1 Many people use minorities as scapegoats
2 People make fun of those who are not like them

The media does...

3 People can be greedy and think only of themselves
4 People can be hypocrites
5 People aren't very accepting of new cultures
6 People always fight about religion

Ikr, if you're atheist, don't start fights with Christians just because you wanna! It's so annoying! That goes for all beliefs, too!

7 People hate excessively
8 People can't learn to forgive each other
9 People are aware of the flaws in human society and won't do anything about it

Human society will always be flawed, as nothing can be perfect in this world (except possibly the laws of physics). But whether the flaws are overwhelming or instead are kept under check is the main question.

10 People can be very cocky
The Contenders
11 People judge by appearances
12 Some people don't like any icing on their cupcakes.
13 Gender inequality

Besides females being treated as weak and too emotional, males are also treated unequal. For example, if a guy gets slapped by a girl, no one cares. If a girl gets slapped by a guy, even in defense, everyone goes crazy, and the guy is arrested.

14 Less smart people laugh at the more smart people
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