Worst Things About Avatar: The Last Airbender

You either loved or hated this show. I remember me and my brother had to get the DVDs because the DVDs had new episodes not aired yet. Even though this was a great show for most people, it had some bad things about it. What did you hate about this show?
The Top Ten
1 The movie sucked

"You either loved or hated this show. "
... Eh, no. In a world of endless mediocre kids shows that get off without so much as a slap on the wrist, the idea of this show deserving some kind of beat down for any of the listed reasons (trying to play up isolated instances depending on personal taste) is laughable at best. This show had absolutely glowing, award-winning reception, and like anything of that profile, it attracted the usual ire of trolls who don't care about putting it in perspective so much as getting off on trying to slap the smile off the faces of the fans.

The movie, on the other hand, was Shyamalan deciding that if fans liked their little kids show, a "brilliant" writer such as himself would have no problem showing them a REAL fantasy, and... Come on, why did anyone think letting him direct was a good idea?

I hate to admit, but I watched the movie before watching the series. I kinda liked it, but eventually forgot about it. Then for a college project, I watched the Avatar: The last Airbender series and man, was I blown away! Amazing animation, storyline, characters, everything! It was really good! And then, I watched the movie again, just for laughs, I had heard people say it was horrible. And yes, it was HORRIBLE! I cringed so bad throughout... Ugh

I absolutely loved the show!
Legend of Korra wasn't bad either! I don't understand why they hate it.

The only thing I hate about the Avatar series is that it did not get the movie adaptation it deserved. Most of the arguments on this list are very baseless and stupid. That is all...

The movie sucked badly, they didn't even say the names right, but the show was awesome.

1. Of coarse there's no blood. The oldest is like 16 so who would go up to some kid and stab them? ,

2. on the age group thing I think it would be stupid if they were like 6 because how would they do anything for them selves,

3. there isn't another season but there's another series which I think is better,

4. Some parts in season 1 were stupid but I think it got a lot better in season 2 and 3.

5. Avatar the legend of Korra wont have only 12 episodes. I'm positive. Avatar the last Airbender was only saposed to have like 5 but it was so popular that there is now 61.

6. Aang wears under wear because he probably dosn't want to get wet.

7. There's only like one Awkward romantic scene

8. Zukos speeches are annoying some times :P

This movie put the entire show in a bad light. Katara's bending could not be losing that much water while still retaining shape. It was weird... It looked weird, and gave off an unnatural feeling. Plus, the plot line barely followed the show, and lots of stuff didn't add up. The viewer is left hanging... Cute how they thought they would make three of these. :P

2 Lack of any killing or blood

This is the worst god damn reason on this stupid list. The show was meant for kids 6-12. Not teens and adults. And all of the other reasons are stupid. There is only one awkward romance scene, the rest are done really well. There is not another season because the point of the show was to do what he did in the end, and plus there is another series which is even better than another season. And there will be more than twelve episodes in The Legend of Korra. And yes, Zuko's honor speeches can be annoying but they only last for a short time. They The only thing I agree with was the part about how the movie sucked. Which was true.

This the worst reason I heard that Avatar was a bad show. First of all, blood and death would ruin everything! that like saying, Pokemon should of shown the pokemons being stabbed and bleed to death. Yeah that sounds like such a good way for kids, and possibly teens to enjoy seeing their favorite characters DIE. Second of all, blood would ruin their fame. One of the best reasons Avatar was successful was it's awesome comedy, and lack of VIOLENCE. If most parents like mine, saw Avatar with tons of blood they would restrict it from our viewing. If had done this many parents would have stopped kids from watching it, and plus the show would have to bring their age restriction higher, and maybe have to move their show to adult swim, or something like that. So these are my opinions why this reason is one the most stupidest reason to hate this show.

Who cares? It was a great epic show of struggles through different situations. Killing or blood would have completely ruined the show no doubt. The creators did great with the show and quit complaining because there is a book air in the legend of korra and korra is just as good as avatar.

I get it, it was meant for a younger audience and really didn't need blood. However they overdid it! When it's the Fire Nation they openly mention how they killed other characters, but when members of the Fire Nation are supposed to be killed: "NOO we can't show that " -_- it drived me crazy! I would mention a particular scene but I don't want to spoil the show

3 No season 4

THey should have dragged the truing for fire out, and had the final battle in season 4. There would be some episodes left to tell stories like the rise of Firelord Zuko and The last fire nation rebellion.

There absolutely could have been a season 4. It could have showed the steps Aang had to take to restore balance between the nations after the war. The damage was still there.

It's good that there was none because they would have ruined the show like they did with sponge bob.
Instead we got Legend of Korra!

It would not have made sense since Aang would have nothing to do in this season because the war is over.

4 Avatar: The Legend of Korra will only have 12 episodes

People, stop complaining because its going to have more seasons, ok people!

Come on people its going to have more seasons soon, okay?

Yes, 12 good episodes. The rest is not worth watching.

What's wrong with 12 episodes people would you rather they have 6, plus they'll have more seasons

5 Its age group

It's jokes and action could have better if it wasn't 6 and up. 12 and up would be a little better

So... ? It's aimed at kids but it's basically for everyone!

6 Avatar is too addictive

It's to addictive. I watch it every day.

And that's a bad thing, how exactly?

This show is WAY too addictive.

That is not a bad thing

7 Whenever Aang goes to swim, he strips to his underwear

So what how is that even bad? He doesn't want to get his clothes wet or something. Nothing is wrong with that.

I'll admit, this bothered me at first... but then I realized, at least he was wearing SOMETHING...

It's a cartoon! Why... what... - oh, for crying out loud. Does this even need to be here?

It's a good thing he doesn't swim naked, or the girls for that matter.

8 The cool moments sometimes go stupid

Take an episode from the first season: Aang gets mad, and he's flipping out at the travelers because they brought food down in the crevasse because of monsters will attack them if they bring it and monsters did come, and Aang suddenly stops because he see's a TART and he says: Is that... Custard in that tart? See what I mean?

That was the great divide though and that episode wasn't great

It was originally made for CHILDREN Aang is meant to appeal to that audience

9 The romantic scenes are often too awkward

This should at the top, the movie has no relevance to the show and I have no idea why that item is on the list, while is relevant to the show and lefr many fans dissapointed with the lame canon pairing they got at the final episode which came out of nowhere (I'm talking about Aang and Katara).

I don't like how Katara suddenly changed her feelings towards Aang without any explanation at all, and was as a trophy prize for the Avatar by the writers. Very sexist if you ask me.

The only romantic scene I found awkward was the "forever girl" scene from Nightmares and Daydreams! That scene makes me cringe every time

10 A complete rip off of Naruto, or other anime shows

No, it not Avatar's story is short and brief while Naruto's plot seem to take forever and is fill with more flashback then Avatar did so it not a ripoff there completely different stories.

Naruto and avatar are not anything alike just because the main character are two boys and one girl doesn't mean it a ripoff.

Naruto are ninja's. In Avatar they manipulate the four elemnts and other stuff. So they both have element nations. Jutsu is NOT like bending AT ALL.

No one can't deny that "Avatar the last airbender" was inspired by anime BUT we really can't call it a rip-off.

The Contenders
11 Katara Katara is a fictional character in Nickelodeon's animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, voiced by Mae Whitman.

Whoever put her in this list is a big fat loser. Just 'cause she said and did things that I wish she didn't say and do, it doesn't mean that I hate her. Instead, she's my favorite female character in Avatar: The last Airbender due to her personality. In fact, I can relate to her more than once just as I can relate to Zuko.

Honestly, do you want Katara to be all-perfect? NOw ay that's ever going' to happen 'cause she'll always be imperfect no matter what. If she's too perfect, I wouldn't be interest in her. Besides, her flaws make her realistic and relatable.

Hands-down she is the worst character on the show...bossy, rude, judgemental, holds grudges, transformed from knowing barely any waterbending-at the start of the show- to a full on master waterbender near the end of the show...doesn't listen to anyone, is a rude, stuck-up person, gets away with saying things that other characters would be ostracized for saying, if they did. (for example the comment 'Then you didn't love her the way I did! ' to Sokka

12 The Great Divide

Least popular episode on any other poll... I see your point here.

Episode was so boring

13 It destroyed our lives with its awesomeness

Yep. I spent my entire life watching this show, and now have bad grades, sleep deprivation... why did you have to make it so awesomely terrific?

I used to have a family. Now, all I have is Avatar.

14 Toph being a jerk

Now I know that she means well. But I really hater her for being rude to Katara when that Waterbender was trying to get everyone organized. I mean, just 'cause she (the Earthbending girl) was shielded from the outside world by her parents, it doesn't give her the right to disrespect others.

Like Azula, Toph makes me pleased to be single for the rest o' my life. Their feminism is unreasonable because it's macho. And I have no love macho folks 'cause they take their insensitive and insonciderate masculinity to the extreme. But least, Katara and Suki are feminist in reasonable ways.

Um, how are they macho? Toph accepted makeup at one point, and when she wants to, she can be a total socialite. And Azula is a princess, and she can look like a goddess if she wanted. You were basically claiming that being strong willed, powerful, and badass are only male traits, which is sexist and stupid. Good day

To hell with you Toph and Azula fans, and Katara haters! You're all a bunch of fuggin' feminazis! Katara was rude only because Toph provoked her. I mean, how would you feel if you dealt with radical feminists every day?!

Blind Medicines should've been included in The Avatar: The Last Airbender back then before so it would've been better if Toph was never ever even blind.

15 Kissing

"Tell me about it. Since when the hell does a twelve-year-old boy get to kiss her a fourteen-year-old girl? That's wrong on so many levels. Besides, Katara's better off with Haru and Aang's better off being single."

How is that wrong at all?
If it's because Katara is older and the male should always be older then that is Sexism, the thing that Katara works so hard to fight and it is disrespectful."
I agree with this commenting on a comment (he, he), however I think the original was talking about their ages in general, not that the boy should be older than the girl. But yours makes perfect sense, and I think it's unfair to say Katara should have ended up with Haru, who she herself denied having a relationship with. Anyways, I agree with Aang + Katara. All I'm against is the ages in general (not because the girl is older, of course. Random fact: I also support Korra + Asami), thinking they should wait until both are older... sorry this ...more

"Tell me about it. Since when the hell does a twelve-year-old boy get to kiss her a fourteen-year-old girl? That's wrong on so many levels. Besides, Katara's better off with Haru and Aang's better off being single."

How is that wrong at all?
If it's because Katara is older and the male should always be older then that is Sexism, the thing that Katara works so hard to fight and it is disrespectful.

Tell me about it. Since when the hell does a twelve-year-old boy get to kiss her a fourteen-year-old girl? That's wrong on so many levels. Besides, Katara's better off with Haru and Aang's better off being single.

Aang is actually 112 years old so its really awkward.

16 Season 1

Season 2 was the best. It had the first kiss with aang and katara. Plus it's dramatic and heart felt

Not that it was bad, but it's not very good compared to Seasons 2 and 3.

The only reason people say this is bad is because it was so low budget. I agree, it wasn't nearly as good as seasons 2 and 3, but if only the writers had owned a little more money when it'd started... :(

Season 2 and 3 made Season 1 seem sort of boring.

17 There are girls in it

Is the person who put this here sexiest.

Are you ten years old? Geez grow up

18 Zuko's long speeches about honor

They are at first annoying but hey! Zuko changed!

Be quiet and get over it. It adds to the story line and is amazing

Zuko: Blah Blah Honor Blah Blah Honor. that's what you'll hear from Zuko a lot.

19 The Avatar World isn't real
20 The Cabbage Guy Never Married His Cabbages
21 An insult to Asian cultures

Well, this is kind of true. I mean, I am vietnamese, and they are in the blend of such of a heavy Chinese or Japanese environment, that my culture is just part of the "Chinese" culture. I AM NOT CHINESE! Our cultures are different and people have to respect that fact! Now all Non-Asian views will think that all Asian is, is China and Japan. Also the clothes? Some of them WERE Asian like clothing, but some were made up!

Examples include an episode about this village with the wise fortune teller woman that everyone believes in, and completely scorns science. Mind you, some Asian countries actually have scientific technologies that west would envy about. Not just that, but the show is giving western audiences wrong ideas about martial arts, buddhism, and also the Chinese language itself. (They can't even pronounce 'Yue' and 'Chi' correctly, and the Chinese characters are simplified and looks like as if they are just randomly picked out of a dictionary. )

Whoever put this here is blind in the head. I don't find anything anti-Asian bout this. Instead, I find it amazing, especially since Asia's big on interesting things like the supernatural. In fact, I was born in that continent. And so, I live up to these Asian characteristics:

1. Interest in martial arts

2. Interest in technology

3. Interest in the supernatural

4. High intelligence

5. Serious behavior

5. Mature attitude

I think that by mixing all the Asian cultures together is offensive enough. In America, people mix up cultures all the time, but to have a show that kids watch mix up cultures tells kids that Chinese and Japanese are the same. They should at least make the elements correct.

22 Azula and Ozai picking on Zuko

Those villains remind me of my dad and sister, except that my sister is no villainess and my dad is real. I can sympathize with Zuko due to all the problems that I received. It makes me sick that there many people who suck up to bullies and force anti-bully people to do that. How would they like it if I bully them and force them to suck up to me?

I'll never forgive Ozai and Azula for what they did. Because of that, I wish Zuko mowed them down.

Dang it! I forgot to put "a" between "is" and "real" in the first paragraph of my first anti-Azula and anti-Ozai comment just as I forgot to put "villain" after "real." What I'm trying to to point out is that my dad's a real life villain. Well, he isn't a full villain. But he antagonzied me and the rest o' my folks in a number of ways. Like what I wish Zuko did to Ozai, I wish that I did the same to that parent of mine.

The sad thing is, domestic abuse is a real life phenomenon. It can't be avoided.

23 The Pointless Fan Fiction

I hate the show what's even worse is that there are so many people that love it and write creepy fanfictions. My life as a teenage robot is so much better, not this garbage.

Wow... You know if you guys don't like fan fiction so much, there's a thing called not looking at it?

I love the show, but I agree. The Fan-Fiction drives me NUTS. Zutara? Tophokka? Amorra? Seriously? Why can't you accept the actual storyline and move on?

Yeah, even though I love show the fan fiction are creepy.

24 Aang Avatar Aang is a fictional character and the protagonist of Nickelodeon's animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender, voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen. Aang is the last surviving Airbender, a monk of the Air Nomads' Southern Air Temple.

Aang is an annoying hypocrite. He preaches at Katara with his holier than though attitude about how she shouldn't get revenge against the man that killed her mother, saying how he forgave the people who took Appa and killed the air nomads. But he conveniently forgets how he blames his friends and leaves them behind in a desert and gets so mad that he attacked the sandbenders and started going into avatar state until Katara stopped him, as she does every time he gets mad and freaks out. Even though all life is sacred he takes his anger out on one of the wasps in the desert and kills it, even though it had nothing to do with Appa. It may not have been human but "all life is sacred". When Katara doesn't follow through with killing the man, he acts like it was his great advice that stopped her, not her own feelings. And he is not too busy being a less funny Sokka he is a moody and angsty teen. Sure I get it, he is a kid with a lot of pressure. But it seriously gets old. Thank you show for ...more

25 Best villains get killed off

What are you talking about?! What villain got killed off? Zhao? No he actually got taken to the spirit world I think. Ozai? No he just got sent to prison and got his bending taken away. Azula? Nope she didn't die either. No awesome villain that I can think off got killed! So what are you talking about?!

Why create a the world's best villains if they are going to get killed of at the end?

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