Top 10 Worst Things Bullies Do to You

The Top Ten
1 Give you a wedgie

Guess what I found out. Wedgies, especially when performed on males, can be dangerous, potentially causing testicular or scrotal damage. An incident in 2004 involving a ten-year-old boy required reattachment of a testicle to the scrotum.

I feel bad for innocent people who were given wedgies

2 Give you a swirlie

A lot of the bullies I see in shows tend to do this, by sticking your head in the toilet and flushing it

3 Shove you in a locker

You don't know the combination, you can get locked there for years!

Especially if you're small

4 Pants you

It is the worst. Anyone can do it, and it is more embarrassing then getting wedgied.

5 Hang you on the flagpole by your underwear

That kind of reminds me of that thing they do at summer camps, where they use someone's underwear as a flag and salute it.

6 Stuff you in a garbage can

I'd run right home and take a shower if this happened to me

7 Beat you up

Goes along with everything else on the list

Should be first. Because it really hurts.

They must have a lot of energy...

8 Steal your lunch money

One of the most cliche things that they do to you

9 Give you a purple nurple

Whats that? Isn't that where they twist your nipples

10 Spread rumors to make you look bad

May those bullies get their bad Karma in return!

The ones in the place I live in are like this

The Contenders
11 Watch you piss

Pretty sure the guy grew up to be gay when this happened in year 2

12 Give you a noogie

Sometimes its done just for fun, but other times its not

13 Tease you
14 Make you have depression
15 Get you in trouble
16 Kick you in your nuts

If you are a boy.

17 Pull your hair

Yes, it does hurt.

18 Chase you around
19 Don't speak to you and get everyone else to ignore you, and not speak
20 Trip you
21 Gossip about you

gossip? I'm suspicious what bullies gossip about, gossip is neutral, whatever the current trend of conversation maybe just maybe alliances can be forged for building universal collective unity, unity makes all alliances one family without destruction

22 Take your stuff

Usually without you knowing, just to annoy you and get a reaction.

23 Say mean stuff
24 Call you names
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