Top Ten Worst Things Bullies Do

The Top Ten
1 Bullies Tell Staff to Suspend People That Got Bullied.
2 Blame You
3 Bullies Rip Your Homework.
4 Threaten to Kill You

At school in the bathroom in with no staff or adults they can kill you

If they don't know your address than you're safe

5 Bullies Push and Shove You.
6 Bullies Only Like Cool Kids.
7 Hit You
8 Bullies Spit On You
9 Make You Listen to Justin Bieber
10 Say That You're Not Going to Heaven
The Contenders
11 Say That You're Friendless

This is a very horrible thing to do

12 Make People Commit Suicide

These kids really need a whoop in the bum if they cause the poor victims to commit suicide
Victims don't deserve it, the bullies need ass whooping

Why isn't this higher? This is the WORST thing bullies can do.

Happens to many people I hope they die painfully

13 Teach You Bad Stuff
14 Call You Names
15 Make You Feel Bad
16 Scare You
17 Disrespect Your Opinions

So what? I have friends that don't like the same things I do and sometimes don't like what I like, but we are still good friends and try not to fight cause we talk about what we all like.

18 Sexually Abuse You

What do they do that is abusing

19 Spread Rumors

I'll eat there knees off preventing/making them incapable of spreading rumors

20 Make You Feel Embarrassed
21 Drag You in the Bathroom to Kill You
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