Worst Things That Can Happen After Making a List On TheTopTens

There are so many fantastic lists on here, it's so hard to make one when all the good ideas are taken!
The Top Ten
1 The list already exists

I actually made a list called 'Top 10 Most Overrated Sci-Fi Movies' turns out the list was already made, BUT, with a different name. But I had no idea! People started to claim that I stole the idea, even though I had no clue. I blame this one on the website itself. Why? There's not that big of a difference in the titles. It's basically top 10 most overrated Sci-Fi movies without the top 10 part at the beginning! How in your right minds think, "Meh, it has a different name, so it must be different." WHEN IT'S CLEARLY RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU?!?!? GOD!

I made a top ten list of top ten lists of top ten lists and admin merged it to "Best Lists on TheTopTens". It's not even the same thing! GRR! Lol

Everyone should do a search of lists before submitting or creating

It's pretty difficult to make a good list when they already exist!

2 People add random items
3 It gets offensive

Some people just take things too far.

4 You spelled something wrong

That would be really embarrassing!

5 People hate it

I'm afraid of comments like "Your list sucks! "

That is why I do not make lists

6 People add random items and you get blamed for them

This had occurred to me.

7 Another list gets submitted at the same time as yours

And guess what? They had the same topic as you.

8 Some items on your list get deleted
9 It gets deleted

Probably because I might be offensive.

10 Nobody votes on it
The Contenders
11 Some of the items get changed
12 Your objective list gets changed to a self moderated list
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