Worst Things that Could Happen at a School Dance

It's hard to not get asked to a dance. However, this list will help anyone who didn't get invited to daydream about what's happening to that person your crush asked out . . .
The Top Ten
1 A meteor hits the school
2 The school catches fire

That would be bad and then everyone would have to leave the school

3 A freak hurricane/tornado

That would be scary to have a hurricane or tornado during a school dance

4 The drinks are poisoned
5 Elephants escape from the local zoo and stampede the dance floor
6 Rabies-infected rats crawl out of the vents and start biting everyone
7 The roof falls off, crushing everybody
8 The DJ has a heart-attack
9 A kindergartner comes in and draws on everyone's nice outfit with permanent marker

Oddly specific

10 A Nicki Minaj song starts playing
The Contenders
11 Technical difficulties
12 You puke during the dance
13 Knock over your crush while dancing

That would be the worst to knock over your crush while dancing

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