Worst Things That Could Happen at a Store

The Top Ten
1 People break in and hold everyone at gunpoint

We should have a security System to see who has a gunshot

2 Store blows up

This is worse than people holding you at gunpoint because it kills even more people

"We have a 50% discount on all explosive items and ISIS flags"

3 The employees and manager get shot and killed

"Now, boys" -you sweet-talk them into stealing all the candy in the store- "Thank you, boys! " -dashes away and drives away to her house before they realize it was a trick-

Time for a shopping spree!

4 Robbers take hostage
5 The thing you need isn't there

Where are the pop tarts?!

6 Your wallet is missing
7 Somebody steals your credit card
8 Your purse is gone
9 You don't have enough money to buy everything you need
10 Justin Bieber shows up with all of his fangirls

Uh oh. Then everyone would die! This should be #1 on this list.

The Contenders
11 The checkout line is really long

Wow this line is really long. I need food so I'll just wait. (20 minutes later) Okay I'm near the beginning of the line. (3 hours later) You know what I'll just go get Chinese takeout.

12 Terrorists take everyone hostage
13 You get kidnapped
14 Someone steals your car while you're inside
15 You lose your kids

I'm not a parent, but I can imagine this would be terrifying...

16 Someone shoplifts
17 A sick person spreads disease

Obviously Covid-19 is the first thing that will come to mind but it could be anything.

18 The store catches fire
19 Someone steals your phone
20 A pallet falls down
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