Top 10 Worst Things That Could Happen While Visiting a Carnival

The Top Ten
1 You wasted so much money
2 You waited forever just to get in a ride

Hell yeah. Doing something for nothing is a nightmare

3 Rude people all around
4 You were force to go on a kiddie ride

Oh no, I can't get on the kiddie coaster because the carts are too small! Lol

The AVERAGE Roller Coaster Still Is A Kiddie Ride To Me

Id feel like a childhood

5 You drop your food
6 You got injured
7 You fly out of a roller coaster

*cough* COLUMBUS FAIR *cough* *cough*

That's terrifying

8 A ride breaks and you can't ride it
9 The tickets became expensive
10 Someone steals your prize
The Contenders
11 You never got to do what you wanted to do

This is so true

12 The Ferris wheel falls on you

Crap this is scary I have a phobia of Ferris Wheels now

13 People vomiting on rides
14 You got embarrassed by your sibling
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