Worst Things that Could Happen to You During Gym Class

The Top Ten
1 You get hit in the face with a dodgeball

I love dodge ball. We use softer balls instead of the ones you see on T.V.

I'm pretty good at dodging. It's just the throwing isn't the best...

Happened to me so many times

Just part of dodgeball

2 You’re bad at sports and the gym teacher makes you demonstrate in front of the class

It's happened to me before. One of the most embarrassing things that can happen to you

3 There is a fire drill while you’re still in the locker room

Luckily it only takes like twenty seconds to fling on the minimum you need to cover your undies.

That would suck

4 You’re playing against a team who makes fun of you

Worth it for the look on their faces when your team ends up winning; it's just priceless!

5 Your team blames everything on you

When ever you mess up in gym class, the kids are all treating you like a sore loser

6 Your gym teacher puts on your least favorite song
7 You are doing the swimming unit and your swimsuit is too big and it falls off

This would suck if it’s outside the pool but if you are in the pool you could hopefully get it back on before anyone notices.

8 Your shoe unties and you fall face first on the hard floor

This is why I opted for slip-ons and velcro trainers in PE class.

THis is bad but lol

This would suck

9 You try to kick the soccer ball and you fall on top of it

There's also that awkward moment of falling over hilariously when you kick the ball but you still score a goal. Then it's a matter of deciding whether to cheer like a maniac or creep away red in the face.

This has actually happened to me before when trying to kick a ball in the game called Kickball or something like that

10 You break your leg
The Contenders
11 You get caught in the volleyball net
12 You get hit in the balls by a soccer ball

Faxts seeing this choice feels like I'm getting hit in the balls right now

All guys would understand this. It feels awful

Almost every guy can relate to this reason

13 You break your finger
14 You rip your pants

"Oops. I guess I ripped my pants again! "

15 Someone pulls your shorts down and you ain't wearing anything underneath
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