Top Ten Worst Things That Could Happen to You In Prison

You've been wrongly accused of a felony, now you're in the slammer, now THIS? Worst. Day. Ever.
The Top Ten
1 You drop the soap in front of everybody

I can say right now that this isn't gonna end well...

Hope you get the prison joke.

Better him than me

2 You get wrongly accused of an escape attempt and get forced to dig holes all day, every day
3 You lose your parole officer for something you didn't do
4 Your orange jumpsuit's too small and it doesn't get changed for all of your stay in prison
5 You find a time bomb under your bunk that's set to explode in three seconds
6 You're forced to dig in 100 degree Farenheit heat

I wanted to clarify, because 100 degrees Celcius is boiling temperature...

7 The roof collapses in the prison and you're forced to fix it yourself with only a hammer and a few nails
8 You have to clean the whole prison with your own toothbrush
9 You get an allergic reaction from the food and the guards won't give you meds
10 You're forced to bunk with a rapist

I hope you're not a girl!

The Contenders
11 The guards rape you while you bathe
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