Worst Things That Could Happen to You On a Train Journey

The Top Ten
1 Stuck in the toilet when the train stops
2 Sitting next to some Justin Bieber fans

I would rather shoot myself

3 Feeling sick
4 Sitting next to very loud, obnoxious people

Was once on the Eurostar to Paris, and there were these loud and annoying men who were singing at the very top of their voices. Eventually, the steward shut them up, but I wouldn't have wanted to stay there for the whole ride if they didn't shut up.

5 Getting off at the wrong stop
6 Little kids start screaming
7 A war erupts in the place you're travelling to
8 Get hit in the eye with coal, when the window is open
9 Somebody mugs you
10 A random person flirts obnoxiously with you

Yes. Agree. Terrible. But he would just have to put up with me!

I did not add this one.

The Contenders
11 Losing your train ticket
12 Dying of a Brain Aneurism
13 Train derails
14 Getting shot through the heart
15 Death
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