Top Ten Worst Things to Do In the Dark

The Top Ten
1 Play catch with your friend

If you take the risk and do that don't him him in the balls (assuming he is a guy).

2 Build a tree house
3 Walk in the woods

Snakes or Jason Voorhees. Pick your poison

4 Sleep outside

Without a tent I mean.

5 Have sex

Maybe you'll end up with a deer by the end of it.

6 Drive without headlights

You here that crunch? That's you totaling you're car.

7 Eat
8 Walk in the ghetto

This really should be number one

9 Run
10 Spin
The Contenders
11 Read
12 Write
13 Cook
14 Try to find your lost ring

Next thing you know, you'll hear a slithery voice saying," What's he got in his pockets." Run, Bilbo, run.

15 Conduct a science experiment

Hey, a lot of astronomical observations HAVE to take place in the dark!

Hm... my hypotheses is that I can only stay out in ghe dark for 30 minutes.

16 Be afraid
17 Watch TV
18 Wash Clothes
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