Top Ten Worst Things to Do If You are Mad at a Family Member

The Top Ten
1 Fight them
2 Smash your door or closet
3 Swear at them
4 Scream the loudest you can

I do this sometimes

5 Smash your window
6 Threaten them or yourself
7 Kill that person
8 Steal a jet, go to Syria, join isis and plan a terrorist attack on your family member's house
9 Smash all the devices in the house
10 Bring them to the train tracks and tie them up
The Contenders
11 Flip them off

I did the double finger a few times

12 Disown them from your family
13 Pants them
14 Kick them out of the house
15 Destroy their possessions
16 Bite them
17 Beat them up
18 Slap them
19 Stab them
20 Kick them in the privates
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