Worst Things to Find In Your Trick or Treat Basket

The Top Ten
1 A nuke
2 A bomb ready to go off
3 A gun
4 A human head
5 A note saying from a serial killer saying you're next
6 A knife
7 A cigarette
8 Poison in candies
9 A photo of your family dead
10 A human tongue
The Contenders
11 Drugs

Only if they were in candies.

12 Wasp nest

Only if they sting

13 Justin Bieber
14 A sex toy
15 A brain
16 Slender Man
17 Bill Cipher Bill Cipher is a triangular dream demon formerly existent only in the mindscape who wished to gain access to the real world. He has been running amok in Gravity Falls, Oregon since being summoned by Stanford Pines over thirty years ago. He is known for his mysterious demeanor and sadistic humor. He ...read more.
18 A mixtape
19 Randall Boggs Randall Boggs is a Pixar villain from both Monsters Inc and its prequel, Monsters University. He is voiced by Steve Buscemi, and has a reptilian appearance, with purple and blue scales and green eyes.
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