Worst Things to Have Happened to or Come Out of the Middle East

The Top Ten
1 Osama Bin Laden Osama Bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was a Saudi Arabian-born stateless terrorist. He was a founder of al-Qaeda, the organization that claimed responsibility for the September 11 attacks on the United States, along with numerous other mass-casualty attacks against civilian and military targets worldwide.
2 Islamic Extremism

Are you against us middle easterns? I know these people you put are bad people but based on the title you want to make us look bad. stop saying that middle easterns are terriorists because not all of us are.

4 Al-Qaeda
5 The Syrian Civil War
6 Arab Spring

That's actually a good thing.

7 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
8 Lack of Women's Rights in Saudi Arabia

Why do you care? Our women are happy with this lack of rights, so stop judging we don't complain about your women.

9 Ayatollah Khomeini
10 Terrorist Attacks
The Contenders
11 Barbary Pirate Slave Trade

Raiders kidnapped Europeans and sold them into slavery 1500's to early 1800's.

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