Top 10 Worst Things to Hear from Teachers

The Top Ten
1 Class, the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do.

Well if the bell doesn't dismissing me don't you ever dar count me late because I walked in after the bell rang.

Woah, one of my teachers says exactly this O_o
But yeah, this is why I'm always late to my next class.

Oh really? Then what's the purpose of bell? To get our hopes high and get them killed again?

2 I'm calling your parents

NOOO! Don't! My parents are Asian and they have high expectations and if they find out, I'll be dead for sure!

I blocked my teacher's numbers on my mom's phone so they can never call her.

I got this today in school I was so scared to go home, my mom got mad at me because I misbehaved in block 1 and got sent to the office

3 Get over here right now!
4 I don't care who started it!

They do this whenever there's a fight. My schoo; has some of the craziest fights and there are at least 3 fights daily so the teachers all got sick of it.

5 Go to the principal's office now!

This would give me anxiety that I would be in big trouble or suspended or something

6 Where's your homework?

I had it in my binder a minute ago, I swear!

7 Nobody's leaving until I say so

Make me late to class?!
I will bolt and knock people over.
I will not be late!

I have teachers that are like that! So annoying!

Super, duper annoying! They waste my time!

8 You can not go to the bathroom

This statement should be illegal. Students can get kidney infections and they could also wet their pants

Do you want me to pee myself? Well, you know what I'll just use the trash can!

That's OK. I'm wearing an adult diaper right now. My bathroom needs are taken care of

9 Class, here's your homework

My high school special ed teacher gave the class some of the dumbest, pointless and most ridiculous assignments ever. None of them is even logical or makes any sense at all.

For example once she told us that our homework is to tell our parents not to drink and drive.

REALLY? That's common sense!

Yesterday I just got 12 assignments!

During EL, our teacher said our homework will be devastating and we didn't believe, after seeing the workload, we were shocked and believed him

During MA, another teacher said she will only give a bit of hw, so we believed her and at the end, WE GOT 3 30 PAGES OF WORKSHEETS! How is that bit?

10 Pop quiz!
The Contenders
11 The essay must be at least 3 pages long

What if you don't have enough information on the topic to write 3 pages, I've always hated this

Triple space,
Size 90 font
4 in. header
4 in. footer
gigantic margins,
Now you are set.

That would suck to write an essay with 3 pages long, I would hate to write that

12 The whole class misses recess

My 3rd grade teacher did this to us. She had to reset the little timer for end of the school year early recess because the bad kids were making noise at every end of the timer. Keep in mind, we could've had nearly 15-30+ minutes of recess. Then, the teacher said, "Only 1 minute left." Around the 30 second mark, this kid got up from his seat, went to this other kid's seat. Then he said, "Can I have my markers back? " We all yelled his name really hard. We all were mad. He had the nerve to say "What? "

When I was in 2nd grade a group of kids were being annoying during recess. The next day the teacher asked "Who were those kids I told to not to go to recess yesterday? " The group of idiots didn't show themselves, so the teacher said "Since you won't show yourselves, all BOYS will not have recess today."

13 No talking

I was talking to my friend I haven't seen since wednesday since he was sick thursday and friday, and she said no talking

14 Give me your phone

Hell no, I don't let people touch my phone. If the teacher's ever got a hold of my phone (and they've confiscated it many times), I'd feel uncomfortable because they could see my texts.

One time, my algebra teacher let us use calculators, but he forced us to give him our phones. Like, what?!

I'd rather get detention than let my teacher take my phone.

15 We need to have a talk. You're not in trouble.

I finally worked up enough nerve to tell my teacher I thought I had dyslexia and the conversation was completely horrible. After that he literally did nothing nothing at all!

Ugh this is so annoying. When they say
"you're not in trouble" it's just an instant lie. I'd rather they not say it.

The "you're not in trouble" part is obviously a lie.

16 Go back and walk

Why I'm sometimes late to my next class in high school. My homeroom teacher will say this even if I'm across the hall. I walk, then when she is out of my sight, I RUN so I won't be Nate to my next class.

Oh my gosh I hate this so much! Most irritating thing ever! Makes me want to punch them in the face!

This makes me late to class all of the time. The teachers should just tell us to slow down, not go back and walk

17 Can you pay attention for once
18 You have detention
19 Sit down!
20 Go to the end of the line
21 I am an adult and you are a child

Always hated that one. Makes me feel inferior

22 What's today's excuse?
23 Shut the hell up!

Well, it's the teacher that has been bloody ruining our life for months, so you shut the hell up!

That would really suck to hear this from a teacher it would be upsetting

24 You! Yes, you young man!

I would feel offended if someone said this to me, because I'm not a man.

Well, there are a lot of young men in this class, can you say the name?

25 "Damn" is a bad word, don't say it
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