Top Ten Worst Things to Hear While Giving Birth

The Top Ten
1 No, wait, honey, it was just a hernia.

Painful, degrading, and awkward, all at once.

2 Get the camera right on time for the family photo!

Lol I so wanna see the result... Actually I don't 0_0

3 Oh, sorry, honey, I guess you really were that fat and hung over.
4 Mum, keep pushing, I can't wait to see my first son!
5 Have you tried the brush?
6 I hate all the misconceptions with pregnancy!
7 Doctors, grab the scalpels and forceps, and let's carve the Christmas turkey!
8 At least you'll be normal once he's in college.
9 A baby kicking is considered to be healthy. So hold still...
10 Honey, are those the baby's fingers?
The Contenders
11 Keep her in there for 18 years. She'll be a virgin for longer.
12 If only your ex could see you now...
13 This might hurt a little
14 Blood!
15 He's dead

Oh what a disappointment

16 Is that Meatball having a hard time in there?
17 Poop!
18 I heard someone kept their baby in too long. She threw up all of her organs after that
19 Where's his umbilical cord?

Wireless technology, seniors, wireless technology.

20 At least It's not Bella's Baby
21 How can we be sure she's not just having a dump?
22 I think it tore a few of your arteries
23 Look! A baby!
24 Ooh! That's nice!
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