Top Ten Worst Things to Say In Front of Your Grandparents

Never say this. If you ever said this to your grandma and grandpa, you would be in so much trouble!
The Top Ten
1 You are F*****G people.

This is would be so horrible to say.

2 You know what I think, you are a a*****e.
3 Bu*****t

I don't even know what word this is. Butthurt?

Ah well? I don't have to worry about any of this because my grandparents don't speak English.

Never, never, say this.

4 Could you pass me your breasts please?

If you said this, you would be in SO much trouble.

Bread! I meant bread, Grandma!

5 Did you know that your son or daughter said the S word?

Then your grandparents would faint.

6 Your house smells like F***.
7 You are du***** people.
8 You know how I would rate you? An F-.

Then they would start crying.

9 You don't have any pepper? ***K!

You don't want to go there with your grandparents.

I mean seriously? You don't have any pepper?

10 I wish you were dead
The Contenders
11 I lost again! Oh man, you guys are ***T!
12 I know you still have sex with grandpa

, Please don't say that because that's going to make me imagine it. POP! AHH!

13 You should die soon

This is just horrible to say

14 I know you guys are gonna die soon but I'm just gonna kill you now because "why do something later when you can do it now?"

Scary but clever

15 You're the worst grandparents I ever had, you suck
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