Top Ten Worst Things to Say to George Bush

The Top Ten
1 Read my lips. Will you marry me
2 Who are you? George Bush? Who's that?
3 I know how much you like broccoli, so I sneaked some into your quiche
4 I can arrest you, you know. It's all right to be afraid.
5 Who are you? You are the former president? Yeah, right, and I'm the Wizard of Oz.
6 I like the sound effects of smashing china in your interviews. Oh, was that your voice?
7 You look nice. Well, not that nice. Maybe some perfume, oh, and get rid of that tie.
8 (giggles) Oh, it's JB. (heehee)
9 Can I have your autograph? Oh, I forgot. you don't know how to.
10 when you had the talk, did your mom ever call you "Curious George?"

This one is great

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