Top Ten Worst Things to Say at a Public Bathroom

The Top Ten
1 Sir, what do you eat?
2 That sure smells good
3 How come this place is too lazy to clean up their own toilet?
4 I would rather poop in Miley Cyrus' bathroom than this
5 Man, even a little kid fart smell is better than this
6 Oh, I thought this was the X Factor
7 Guess I'll poop in the sink
8 Watch out everyone, fart man is about to fart
9 Oh hi toilet, you look more attractive than my wife

Your wife is in there with you! That's right, it's an awkward unisex lavatory!

10 Why can't this place be cooler?
The Contenders
11 Hold your nose!
12 Oh, does it stink in here or is it just this poop I made
13 It smells like fish
14 Oh Yeah!
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