Top Ten Worst Things to Say When Voicing a Movie Trailer

This Autumn, comes a list to explain you all of what not to say when voicing a movie trailer, from the Creators of Tragic Stories and Controversial Corners brings you Top Ten Worst Things To Say When Voicing A Movie Trailer.
The Top Ten
1 You've met all the characters you love them all and now you're going to want them died
2 We bring you a remake because we were too lazy to think up other movies

Because Hollywood is out of new ideas they just decide to take movies everyone loves and remake them with sometimes terrible results.

Sounds like an honest trailer saying.

That's what remakes are for. Easy cash!

Isn't that what remakes are for?

3 We bring you 3 hours of not knowing what's going on with the movie

That is just... Evil.

4 From that crappy remake brings you a remake from the remake
5 From the producers who rented the movie you loved
6 From the directors who ruined your childhoods brings a movie to ruin your childhood

Sometimes, it can't be re-ruined. Like mine was when I saw Cars 2.

Sounds like Michael Bay.

7 From the director of the stupidest movies ever made comes a movie that will make those movies look like the Toy Story movies

Basically so dumb they'll look make old dumb movies look like genius movies

8 Coming to a theater far far away from you

Someone is currently sitting by his laptop in the Scottish Highlands thinking "Aye've gotta grab meh oxygen tank n' climbing roop; I'm takin' Angus to t' movies! "

9 Number 1# movie from our parents
10 With lots and lots of actions and stripteases (for no reason just from our pleasure)
The Contenders
11 This movie is gonna suck

Well, at least you're being honest.

12 We have interesting characters that get killed after five minutes of screen time!
13 Allahu Akbar!
14 Starring that dude who used to be funny

It must be another Simpsons movie!

Or another SpongeBob movie.

15 Coming soon to your theater is this giant fart of a movie that you should rather pluck your eyes out than waste money on it
16 Spoiler alert!
17 I've murdered 500 children
18 Now with even more explosions than the last movie

Hey, spoiler alert, please!

19 Seriously, you cast him/her for that role?
20 From Michael Bay, the director who loves masturbating to explosions, comes a bunch of random action considered a movie since it was filmed in a camera
21 This film may be inappropriate for you. I mean, who likes a one-minute movie?
22 Brought to you by soviet Russia
23 I guarantee the trailers are better than the actual movie
24 From the creators of Twilight
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