Top Ten Worst Things Teenagers Do

The Top Ten
1 Break rules on purpose

The government should enforce more harsh laws to stop these miscreants from doing such things. It would work out for society big time.

Worst? This stuff is the "worst", yall don't even know, I've seen worse, and it isn't drug jokes, or trash talk.

I know, I'm 12 but I know better that. They only do it to be cool. Some do but all don't.

2 Have sex at an early age

The statistics of this is actually going down. I think teenagers are far more responsible now than they used to be.

I believe it's fine so long as it's with the right person who you genuinely care about, and cares about you too.

It's so wrong, yet everyone thinks it's fine.

3 Make jokes about drugs

Guess who actually DOES drugs? Adults.

You think we're joking?

4 Rely on internet popularity
5 Bully other people based on what they like

I know right, just sad

6 Use the "N" word

Only blacks can say that word!

7 Gossip

Gossip hurt neighbors, divide friends, and damage reputations and relationships. The Bible labels gossips as untrustworthy and meddlesome (Proverbs 11:13; 20:19; 26:20; 1 Timothy 5:13) — and even as worthy of death (Romans 1:29, 32).

8 Don't study for their tests

Actually, I study a lot.

9 Talk trash about teachers
10 Vandalize things
The Contenders
11 Act like adults

If they act like adults then what if all the stuff on this list is them trying to act like adults.

Isn't this a good thing?

12 Hate autistic kids
13 Lie about their age

I say I'm thirteen when I'm actually twelve
*damn it feels good to be a gangsta*

14 Imitate gangsters
15 Say "No offense", and then immediately say something highly offensive
16 Drink alcohol
17 Like Nicki Minaj
18 Become pregnant
19 Complain excessively

Many people complain about their life to me but I'd honestly rather live their life than my own. If they hate their life, then they wouldn't stand a chance if they had to live mine.

20 Be a show off
21 Swear

People who swear a lot are annoying, couldn't they learn more vocabulary at school to replace them? And teenagers HATE school. So it is basically the teenagers' fault.

22 Think they know everything
23 Show disrespect in public
24 Cut in line
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