Worst Things Your Crush Could Say to You

The Top Ten
1 I Hate You.

Jesus that will hit me,but my crush likes me back,and she said me that,so thanks God for being with me.

2 On a Scale of 1 to 10 I'd rate you a -50.

Actually, this might be a good thing because he/she would probably be joking and it might mean she likes you.

That would be so rude...

That is so mean.

3 I Know You Like Me, So Go Away.

Please put "YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE *insert untalented, straight, ugly, under-a-quarter-century-old, and mean-spirited celebrity like Jacob Sartorius here* HE'LL ALWAYS BE MORE FAMOUS & TALENTED THAN YOU WILL EVER BE, YA NOBODY! >:/" on this list. - The Ultimate Daredevil

This can kill your hope for even friendship.

This is actually bad

4 You Look Like Sh**
5 Not Even The Nerdiest Boy Would Like You.

This has happened to me all the time. Then again, what do you expect? I'm a Tolkien-loving nerd.

Hmm... This would sting, since I love nerdy types.

6 You're Super Ugly.
7 Is There Something Wrong With Your Face?
8 It Looks Like a Truck Ran Over Your Face.
9 I Already Have a Girlfriend.
10 Eww! You just farted!
The Contenders
11 You're Fat.
12 I Don't Need A Girl With A Mustache.

Laugh out loud, this one is hilarious you could say it to any girl with facial hair

13 Eeeww! did you brush your teeth today?
14 Stop stalking me!
15 You Look Like SpongeBob.

I would take that as a compliment.

16 You Don't Even Have a Bra On.

If someone said that to me I would just... die!

17 Huh? Are You A Boy Or A Girl?

This one is just funny...

18 I saw your buttcrack
19 You Pooped In Your Diaper.
20 Erase my number and you better not have it memorized
21 I just like you as a friend. Nothing more, Nothing Less.
22 Take a shower
23 Stop following me!
24 Leave Me Alone
25 Stop talking to me
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