Top Ten Worst Ways to Punish a Child

The Top Ten
1 Put a knife to their throat

Someone did that to their child? A ban from electronics is enough...

Why would you do that in the first place? That's child abuse!

2 Bust their head open with a tire iron

And you said this was based off of your childhood... God...

You only do this if you live in the South

3 Beat them with your fists

The worst, as it's skin-on-skin and the child is still alive at the end. This list is awful, I certainly hope it wasn't really based off your childhood!

4 Shoot them with a BB gun
5 Nearly drown them in a river
6 Beat them with a steel toe boot
7 Push them off a bridge
8 Beat them with a clothes hanger

I'm Asian and I have lived through this during childhood and I have PTSD memories of it!

9 Hang them

No parent ( in sane state of mind ) would do that,i mean come on would you be willing to kill your son!

Been there, done that. Sister tried it.

10 Force them to throw up
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11 Throw them into a ceiling fan
12 Spank them

Spanking will NOT help your child improve their behavior. In fact, it does the opposite. The child will become more aggressive as a result from being spanked. It's best to NEVER yell at, hit, or abuse your child as punishment. Instead, talk to the child without yelling or nagging and calmly tell them what they did was wrong and have them sit in a corner of the room they're in for a few minutes to reflect on their behavior.

This is not child abuse. It is punishment for their wrongdoing. Parents should not do it multiple times 24/7 or for no reason. It should be done if the child has done something that hurts themselves and/or others. I'm not an adult or parent, but I know that it isn't child abuse if done appropriately and reasonably.

13 Hit them where they're weak
14 Have the parents embarrass them

Like spanking them in public, which could traumatize them. Only abusive parents humiliate their children on purpose.

Parents embarrass them every day already!

15 Force them to watch Teletubbies

Are you serious? There are some genuine horrible things on this list. I feel bad for laughing at this.

What's wrong with Teletubbies?

16 Make them lick their own feet

I hope they took a bath before having the punish, because if they did that, it wouldn't be so horrible.

17 Burying them alive

The worst way EVER

18 Swat them with a fly swatter

This is a very common Asian punishment method

19 Ear pulling

I’m Asian and this was a common punishment method when I was a kid.

20 Give them the finger

That's probably the least abusive one on here.

Not really. It isn't that bad.

21 Choke them

This would be child abuse.

22 Force them to listen to Justin Bieber

Worst way to be punished by far, would not wish it on my worst enemy.

23 Starve them
24 Put a dictionary on their head and hit it with a heavy hammer
25 Put them in timeout
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