Top Ten Worst Weapons in Fortnite

Realistically everyone has a Personal Opinion on what they Consider a Bad Weapon, Add your own and Vote what you consider the Worst.
The Top Ten
1 The Common SMG

My friend think the common smug is better than a mini Gun. I tell him an msg has no aim, barely does any damage when headshoted, and is overall a terrible gun.

Best weapon better than the legendary scar and rpg

This is so bad but bad

Worst gun ever sucks

2 The Pickaxe/Gathering Tool

I eliminated a noob who had a pistol with this and I honestly prefer this to the compact smg - Unnamed Google User Remade

It's not even meant to be a weapon. It is supposed to be a gathering tool for materials...

Lol nubs

At least they buffed it in the most recent patch update

Its not that bad since it does 20 damage now

3 Crossbow

Crossbow sucks nobody uses it so tack it out of the game

This gun is booty

Glad it's removed.

This just sucks.

4 Compact SMG

Its good it can do a lot of damage at close range

5 Grappler

This gun is pretty awful, So useless, and does fall damage too

This is not a gun. This is a item and not used in combat

Fall damage... really?

6 The Rare Scoped Assault Rifle

This gun is godlike at longer ranges where other guns would suffer from bloom

This is good idiots

It is the best

7 The Common Burst Assault Rifle

This gun is so bad. It sucks at long range and close combat

You can do 10 damage every 5 seconds, whats not to love?

I won't even pick it up at the start of the match

It's a good alternative for when you don't have a sniper rifle

8 The Uncommon SMG

I love the the uncommon SMG

9 Revolver

The rude things that I say when I'm being attacked and I only have a revolver...

It was a bad version of the hand cannon

I love six shooter and revolver

This thing sucks

10 The Common Silenced SMG

Its like poking a guy with a stick blindfolded and it eats the ammo very fast. Worst thing you could find at the start of the match.

Disgusting aim, needs to be buffed or removed entirely

It's been buffed so this should go lower


The Contenders
11 Quad Launcher
12 Double Barrel Shotgun

One of the worst guns ever added

Stupid takes forever to load...

13 The Rare SMG

Just Horrible

14 The Epic Scoped Assault Rifle

People would think this is trash, but no
If you have or didn't see a sniper but you saw a scoped ar and the enemy base is far away you have two choices:
Choice 1: launchpad to enemy base and get shot midair
Choice 2: take the scoped ar and shoot the enemy or its base with the scoped ar and finally maybe you can kill the enemy.
Any way please choose between choice 1 or 2
Tell me in the comments below!

Low accuracy, low rate of fire, low damage. It sucks!

Best scoped weapon besides bolt-action

Its just trash

15 Legendary Scar

It's alright but extremely overrated the new mech they added is the REAL best - Unnamed Google User Remade

Its all round good but everyone goes for you and it eats at you bullets like mad

Most people voted for this just because it's overrated.

The worst weapon in the game, hands down.

16 Uncommon Revolver

How is this above the SCAR, like what the heck, the scar is awesome

Slow shooting Costs a lot if if u miss it doent even do much damage

Poor accuracy and slow shooting

17 The Common Semi Auto Pistol
18 Common Revolver

How the heck did this get lower than its uncommon form, and the legendary scar? It seems like every gun is hated nowadays.

Worst gun in game. Terrible Accuracy, terrible reload time, even if you DO manage to land a shot, it doesn't do enough damage to do much harm.

Even the storm troopers could aim better than this pile of garbage

Wow the srtorm trooper burn is such a burn but its true

19 Common Pistol

My first kill Was with a common pistol

Should be the worst anyway

Got 2 kills with it today

Worst gun there is

20 Pistol
21 The Uncommon Tactical Shotgun

Pump is better than tac

22 Hunting Rifle

Completely useless

Better than bolt

It's actually pretty good!

It sucks, scoped ar is better than this crap

23 Eli the White Mamba

Just kidding he sucks, he will steal your loot and your kills.

Watch out! He will no scope you!

Can build his own port a fort in a matter of 3 seconds!

He never dies even if he gets pumped in the face

24 Bolt Action Sniper
25 Guided Missile
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