Top Ten Worst YouTube Anime Reviewer Channels

Since there are a lot of anime reviewers on YouTube that I don't like, I want to express my opinions on here by making a list of the Top 10 Worst Anime Reviewers. Feel free to add any you think are bad as well. Sorry if there are any anime reviewers on here that people like. Please feel free to express your opinion as well and vote.
The Top Ten
1 Mother's Basement

To be honest, though, Sponge, you really should try to broaden your horizons and stop hating YouTubers because they dislike the show you love. SAO was great in the first arc, but the flaws really start to show through in arc 2 and in copious amounts of arc 3. Kirito is a boring, overpowered character who's only real trait is the fact that he stinks of women who he'll never reciprocate feelings for. There a million other stories out there with harem stories and an overpowered MC who aren't nearly as boring or as dumb as Kirito. Look into it. You might something that will make you really think twice about SAO being a masterpiece. But that's just my two cents.

Oh, what a horrible lad, with his title now misinforming people, playing us for fools. What credit in criticizing art could he have by not funneling his hate and resentment of others' talents and successes, when he can support himself and find love and respect among peers? No, he threw the honor and responsibility of being a reviewer away when he stopped leeching from his mother's teat, found happiness in his work, and tries to engage with his audience. His ability to express his opinions and actually explaining them coherently sickens me, truly, what I believe to be great and terrible should hold sway and he should kowtow to my will. Well, at least my vengeance shall be swift and absolute, by complaining about him on a website made for crapping on people who don't know or care about my existence, while producing only the barest bones way of yelling for others validation, a top ten list made in less time than it takes to microwave a hot pocket!

So I genuinely dislike this guy so I have to ask. How many of these comments are real or fake? A lot of these comments seem like jokes. "He's too handsome", "SAO is perfect", "He just makes me angry for no reason". Also if he wanted to be at the top of this list, congratulations douche bag you're at the top. I have NO clue why you'd want to be at the top of a top ten worsts list but here ya go. Was it to prove a point? If so it's a very confusing point. People are allowed to dislike your channel and like stuff like SAO right? You do know that's what an opinion is right? You do know you're not some gospel right? If you think you are, get over yourself. You're a nerd in your mother's basement not Mr. "Everything I say is right and you should agree with me if you're human" man. I'm so glad I'm not a part of his fanbase because this it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen. And no douche bag that's not a compliment.

It seems there are a lot of troll comments, but I'm going to post a comment as to why I legitimately do not like this reviewer. I don't like SAO. That's probably not too unpopular of an opinion at this point. But Jesus Christ, I don't feel the need to dedicate video after video about it. I immediately saw this problem once I tried to check his channel out and look at what videos he had to offer. Talk about beating a dead horse. I don't really like it when anime reviewers automatically go after SAO in general, because it's low hanging fruit, but it's really bad when he makes SO MANY VIDEOS about the topic! Heck, even Digibro, while he did do many SAO centered videos, from my understanding (I could be wrong since I rarely watch him), it was just a series of which he stopped once he was done. He never seemed as strangely obsessed with it as MB. And MB just has a really smug and condescending attitude as well. I mean, even his avatar is smug looking.

2 Anime America Podcast

I think their voices intend to make you feel offended. I don't think their opinions are backed up by any reasoning, only the personal tastes of the people who run the channel. I completely agree with all their points on the faults and mistakes of SAO, but they just rub it in, in a way that feels like you were just punched in the stomach after eating a plate of bad pasta. I just watched their Your Lie in April review, and it was just a plot summary with themes, and a person saying the anime was "amazing" or "extraordinary" without citing examples from the actual series. The whole channel feels like an empty shell, and inside there are people that are a little too excited about anime and Japanese culture trying to do proper reviews and top 10's.

I Googled up "Anime America death threats," and the only thing I found about it was on this very site. In all of the videos from them I've seen, I've never once heard them tell anyone to kill themselves over a difference of opinion. Anime America has always been fairly respectful towards people who disagree with them. If they give a scathing review to something you like, they are only giving their opinion on a show, and not attacking you personally. In their reviews of Sword Art Online and Clannad, they even told their audience to check out the shows for themselves and draw their own conclusions. Yeah, they're biased. Yeah, they get too excited about stuff they like. Yeah, they get too scathing about stuff they don't like. But they've never presented themselves as an authority on anime, and I've never seen any evidence of them sending death threats. I'm not normally one to pull the "you're all just (insert simple thing here)" card, but I think you're all just taking someone else's ...more

So basically based on my research and knowledge, this event you guys speak of does not exist. It is all a hoax. I have evidence supporting this claim. For example, Why do you think that finding evidence for this starting from this site, the first result circles you back to square one. Do you think that a professional critic who understands that you can't permanently delete evidence would do something like this.

I'm so sick of Robyn saying EVERY time they make a romance/slice for life list, she always mentions how much she hates Clannad After Story. We get it. You hate it but many of us love it so drop it will you? Also, when I read the comments section in her Clannad review, she was really rude to various users that didn't agree with her about Clannad's ending. Just pathetic.

3 ThatAnimeSnob

He's like a modern feminist. He'll be extremely nitpicky (on things so small that nobody will notice until their 5th time rewatching) and negatively biased to any newer anime show that's not Jojo. Oh wait, most elitists are like that. Watching his content, some of this points are false accusations or just plain wrong statement.

Anyone who tries to defend/ correct those statements will then be flagged by him. He assumes anyone defending what he's against "idiots" and say that they are under a sedative, that those people are merely defending the anime they love and are blind and refuse to acknowledge to all its negatives.

His fanbase is the most toxic it can get. Pleb this, pleb that, its annoying. I guess the term "snob" can get you far. To bad his and his fanbase's standards are so high that food and water are ousted for plebs and half the needed oxygen intake is enough to satisfy them.

He also is super warmongering. Always trying to shame/ spread hate to other ...more

A pretesf douche who thinks he does good criticism by nitpicking, having double standards and giving low scores. And yes, I know that he isn't really a hater, but the way he treats most popular Anime is really similar to hating. With that said, he completely overrates JoJo and The Tatami Galaxy and acts as if these shows would belong to the best pieces of Japanese fiction. Tatami Galaxy may be very good, but it isn't even close the masterpiece he and his elitist douchebags want to see in it, JoJo is even worse. The only thing worse than himself is his fanbase. I know that you don't do like your so called plebs, you still have a very bad taste.

It says so in the name. He IS an anime snob. Not only is his fan base annoying, but the snob is so harsh in his opinions. Especially since his reviews are BIASED. Plus, he refuses to admit when he is wrong in his opinions and his snob persona gets on your nerves once it gets old. Oh, and basically all he does is rant about stuff like plot holes. I'm not sure what his opinion on SAO is, but I don't want to know. Actually, I just looked him up and found out he insults fan of the series. It's okay to hate an anime, but you don't have to bully people just for liking it! He really is a snob.

He is one to hate on all modern anime but has god awful explanations! Just when I thought someone comparing Akame ga Kill's Night Raid to the POWER RANGERS was the worst explanation possible, this guy beat that record by just outright hating on all modern anime (yes, all modern anime)! He gets my vote as worst.

4 Mr. Anime

Not saying murdering your family is good, but it has nothing to do with anime. But still, he's psycho!

Killed his family and almost committed a school massacre. He was very mentally ill.

Say what you will about others, none of them killed their families.

5 42sAnimeReviews
6 Anime News Network

He spends 10 minutes rambling on about how to subscribe and two actually covering the topic of the video.

I agree they suck

7 The Pedantic Romantic

This loser made a video called "if you like goblin slayer you're a hypocrite" and after a lot of backlash and losing 1k subscribers she disabled the comment section, unlisted the video, and made an apology video which was basically her making excuses and blaming YouTube.

If you don't like people who make everything political, take what other people say out of context to start drama and hate, say really dumb things, and are extremely arrogant then this channel is not for you.

I despise her, she made a video saying all feminine males are trans and that has made me scared to come out as a feminine man because I'm afraid they will try to push me to be trans.

A narcissistic, judgmental, grudge holding, cowardly, and pitiful excuse of a human being who only cares about gender and sexuality and said all Jews are goblins.

8 Animerica

Anipoopica is the most overproduced anime review show on the internet. Will Ryan tries so hard that he blows a hernia after every season of Animerica and has to take a 2 year hiatus. Nowadays he doesn't even review anime, he just sits on his bony ass congratulating himself for losing a ton of weight and playing Dark Souls. Also, he's big huge gay.

9 Misty/Cronexia

Don't know much about him, but as I've heard in the anime community, he's pretty much hated. According to most people, this dude is usually such a troll and calls average anime like Danganronpa a masterpiece. Plus, he uses bait thumbnails and most anime fans claim his Top 10 lists are bad. Not much I can say about him, but please feel free to say anything I missed.

Well, now I have a reason to hate that buffoon. Just when I thought he was one of the only few YouTubers who liked Sword Art Online, he went and stabbed me in the back by making a 7 Reasons to Avoid Sword Art Online video. LITTLE TRAITOR!

This one is quite controversial...
1. Clickbaits...
2. Naruto video controversy... (Its not perfect... but It's not terrible. In my opinion). He needs to be careful what he's about to upload a video.
3. Being in the Watchmojo's Top 10 Anime Reviewer. (He didn't deserved to be on the list. Even thought I dislike Watchmojo. But What the Heck anyway :/ )

Does more Clickbait than Sam Pepper does! Here's the complete list
Naked Sinon / Shino Asada, Check
Nude Yuno, Check
Censored photos as thumbnails, Check
Panty Shots as thumbnails, Check

So yeah this guy hired anime girls to become prostitutes

10 Glass Reflection Arkada

Ok, so I don't care if he bashes my favorite anime or likes my least favorite one. I don't care that his logic is often flawed (to the point where, even if the anime he's talking about is something I've never seen, I can tell his arguments are poor). Why? Because he's just so boring. Seriously, I tried watching a video of his that was like, 15 minutes long, because I thought maybe, just maybe, I'd be interested in the conclusion he'd give, and I quit halfway through, because it was feeling like I had already been watching for over 20 minutes. He never gets to the point, and just seems to be rambling for most of his videos, except he tries to hide this rambling with "smart and analytical" language to make it sound like he's actually saying something. I suppose this is part of the bigger problem of his: he's extremely pretentious. And with his cringe worthy uniform, hairstyle, and smug attitude, it's clear what this guy is doing: he's trying to look like some sort of "sophisticated ...more

Sorry, but this guy did not deserve to be number one on Watchmojo's Top 10 YouTube Anime Reviewer Channels. Maybe top 5 material at least. Anyways, the dude thinks he has such good taste in anime when we as an audience could argue against it, and he is so biased in his videos as well. For example, he spends a portion of a video talking about how Soul Eater is the best anime ever (that's not the point, dude). Plus, whenever he talks about animation with anime like Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul, instead of referring to the actual aspects of the animation in those anime such as their great fighting scenes and nice art, he just goes on and on about Sword Art Online having fanservice (um, this is animation we're talking about, not fanservice! ) and Tokyo Ghoul having too much censorship (well, what about the fighting scenes and the art?! ) Anyways, I used to respect this guy, but now I don't as much anymore. At least he's better than Anime America, though.

This guy has a massive problem of thinking that certain anime should be only the way HE imagines, or else it's bad. Now, all critics have preferences, but randomly criticizing Umaru-chan for not having romance? What? And of course there was his infamous review of Nozaki-kun, where he got upset that a parody of shoujo wasn't a straight up romance. He also shows bias, such as complaining that Nozaki-kun's humor is repetitive when Azumanga Daioh, a show he likes, has equally repetitive humor. I know he got better about that show, but he still seems to under the impression that because the ending wasn't what he wanted, it was bad. Nozaki-kun isn't even a spectacular anime in my opinion, but his review of it was just embarrassing. I though the ending was the best part, because it showed that Sakura's love wasn't returned, she didn't whine about being friendzoned, but still liked Nozaki as the dense friend she had made throughout the anime. But he, of course, ignored any possible merit to ...more

This guy is the definition of pretentious. He's the kind of reviewer whose critiques can best be summed up as: "Can I use this to make myself seem smarter and analytical? No? Then it must be bad, because heaven forbid a work not be interested in making me look smart."

The Contenders
11 JcGreen

He is here for legitimately comparing Akame Ga Kill's Night Raid to the POWER RANGERS! Yes he actually does that in his worst anime of 2014 video.

Mr anime is awesome

12 Anjim 2.0
13 Nux Taku

Stopped being brutally honest then started screaming,makes ugly thumbnails,tries to hard to be funny, and bad satirical content. he became pure cringe over the course of his youtube career
I wish he would chang his content but he thinks its good he's become a bad content maker

Obnuxious husband of mine I hate the content, opinions and humor of this radioactive ferret in a cage roommate of mine but love him out of obsessing over hating him where to I love his existence in the simplest of forms but hate his opinions, voice, everything he stands for, his repetition, taste, and not to mention the mindset he spreads to his herd of sheep fans, I always count the amount of times he says an adverb ending in "ly" and the amount is high. I want him to marry me and I want to marry him despite our 9 year age gap. swoon

Started very solid but, eventually started pandering to the toxic portion of the fambase.

Nux use to be really good before he started to only use memes in his videos.

14 Digibro

Vindictive prick through and through. Slowly poisoning Mother's Basement's weebcast with his condescending attitude. And unless it's to thoroughly beat a show into the ground, barely offers cursory glances at the material he's reviewing. Seriously go watch his Nanoha retrospective. it's shocking how off base he gets a few minutes into it, to say nothing of the way-too-long and painfully wrong westernized explanation of what "moe" is. it's as if he didn't actually watch all of the shows before presenting himself as an authority on them.

I hate him because he called Ergo Proxy useless and thinks that all anime are bad. I seen a lot of good animes like Tiger and Bunny, Zetman, One Piece, DBZ, Naruto, Haibane Renmei, Black Lagoon, Kiddy Grade, Fruits Baskets, Naruto Shippuden, Bleach, Tehxnolyze, Hellsing, Gun X Sword and many others. The shows that were really bad are Bocu no Pico, Mars of Destruction, Pupa and Skelter Heaven. I didn't put School Days on there because the show may seem ridiculous of an anime, I do believe it has potential.

Generally speaking, he seems to have very little positive to say about newer anime and even less to say about anything less than 100% accurate true-to-the-manga adaptations. His opinions on older anime are usually spot on, but I think he tends to be blinded by his own fandom and nostalgia. Unapologetic, he seems to forget that everyone's tastes are different. 100% weeb, perhaps to his own detriment.

Yeah, justifying opinions onto others doesn't sound like a good idea, and acting like an elitist is never a good idea.

I say stick with Bennett the Sage instead, though he hates some classic anime others love, he doesn't come of like trying to force his opinion onto others and for his review on Sailor Moon R the Movie (one of my favorite anime movies/films of all time), while he admitted he wasn't a fan of the series he still did his research, did a damn good review and understood why it's beloved by other people.

15 BlackCriticGuy

I really like this guy, he actually likes anime that most people hate, unlike most other Anime Youtubers, we don't always agree on everything, a lot of his reviews I immensely disagree with, but at least at the end of his reviews he asks for our opinions on the anime or movie, another thing most Anime Youtubers don't do, well most reviewers in general, he also says "But I'm not the end-all be-all guy for opinions" THANK YOU! I usually feel like most reviewers in general think that their opinions are absolute, I know they don't really think that, but it feels like that, so thank you Tony!

Am I the only one who likes Black Critic Guy? Though, I do have to agree I may not agree with some of his tastes in anime sometimes. I mean, he gave Akame ga Kill! a 5 out of 5 stars. I do like Akame ga Kill! But I think a 4 or 4.5 out of 5 stars is more suitable.

He hates Girls Bravo, Shiki, Moribito and Serial Experiments Lain. He has a bad taste in anime

16 Double4anime

This guy should be in the top place. He is basically a narutard. Neither he has any idea of shounen troupes nor he has anything entertaining to say. He has a huge ego and extremely insecure. He is already termed as a cancer among YouTube anime community. Others usually avoid him at all costs. Copying stuff from other channels, overhyped tiltes, stalking and trolling other reviewers who has different opinions is what he does best. I legit think this guy has some Psychological issues to which he should get some professional help.

This kid is a fully blown narcissistic weaaboo. There are many videos by other reviewers like fornever world, code provider, Rogers base telling how creepy this guy is. He can't even take slightest criticisms and lashes out at some anonymous troll comments on YouTube.
His channel was taken down twice. He garnered extreme hate when he lashed out on filthy Frank's parody video. As of now he is in a downward spiral.

The fact he's only number seven says a lot about the people voting on this site, tells me that the people voting on here are idiots, since the guy should be in the top 3 at the very least. At least some of the people higher on the list can say something substantial about anime.

I remember one time he denied that Naruto took any influence from Hunter X Hunter and that was a red flag, but then I saw just how much "beef" he gets into with other people and how unable he is to see most anything objective and he's just... he's something.

17 Forneverworld

Even though I love Sword Art Online, I gotta admit one thing. This guy has bad taste in anime. While it's nice he admires anime like Code Geass, Death Note, and Madoka Magica, he really needs to balance between talking about the pros and cons of each anime and not forgetting to specifically talk about the flaws they have. Also, he calls Fairy Tail a masterpiece. Actually, I'm okay with someone calling an anime a masterpiece, because since it is their opinion, that's fine. But even though I think SAO is a masterpiece, I'm not afraid to admit it has some flaws. But Forneverworld disregards that and treats every anime as if they were flawless.

I too agree with other reviews here. Fornever world taste is very bad. Most of his reviews are extremely bland. He is too afraid to point out flaws of any particular anime. Even the flaws he points out are extremely superficial.

Every video he posts is clickbait and he thinks every popular anime is flawless solely because it's popular. Then there's the cringeworthy rap videos he does, don't even get me started on those.

18 BobSamurai
19 TheAnimeMan

I like that he honestly expresses his opinions about anime, but I hate how he makes people feel bad for liking a certain anime. For example, he called out the 2016 CrunchyRoll awards for Yuri on Ice winning a ton of awards. I don't mind that he did this, but he was very rude about it and acted like a child. He generalized the fandom as a ton of yaoi loving girls(I mostly is, but some people, like me, really like it for the figure skating and story), and was very rude about it. It was pretty unprofessional, and I think that if he had calmly voiced his opinions then it would have been much better. This happens quite frequently, especially with "mainstream" anime and "girl's anime".

Yes. Thank you!

His video, "Why Do People Hate Anime" has so many errors.

He automatically uses the "Not All" argument, the "But Others Do It Too" argument, and insults others for no reason. But apart that, he's conceited. He's even more annoying than KSI. He's derogatory towards women in general (I'm no feminist but his general way of talking is just... ugh), especially in his Hate Comments video, where he acts like if you don't touch a girl (*cough cough*) you're nobody, and he prides himself on watching innappropriate anime girls.

I don't mind that people like anime (I do hate anime as a whole, and dislike fanatics); I do mind when they act like crap. At least Double4anime can be laughed at.

Also this is my opinion!

Yes, he's smug and thinks he's better than others, uses his heritage as an excuse to be a complete weeb, et cetera yada yada, I get the point. But above all that, the real reason I think he should be higher is that he was more involved than any other YouTuber in the Flying Colors Foundation scam. And after the fact, no one else went as far out of the way to dodge the topic and pretend none of it ever happened as he did.

I strongly dislike the way he judges newer anime fans who watch and like mainstream anime. I find that he takes up a "holier the thou" attitude when talking about the anime he likes and how it's underrated and how newer anime fans can't like anime at all just because they watch the mainstream stuff. So what if you don't like it? You don't need to judge the people who do and just assume that they know nothing about anime.

20 BonSamurai
21 BubbleteaFrenzy
22 Chibi Reviews

The guy could do better by upping his standards for what anime are good and try to get to the main point of an anime he is reviewing. But I don't really know what else is bad about him. Feel free to point out anything else in what areas he might fall short in.

He can't handle criticism or people with different views than his own. Acts childish and very hypocritical in his videos

He steals from reddit and 4chan.

Acts childish and doesn't give the proper credit to resources he steals from

23 Lost Pause

He appeals to the weeb culture and pretends that he isn't a weirdo. He acts like a hormone engulfed teenage boy, jacks off to prepubescent looking characters, a tad bit homophobic and frankly, he just sucks. I understand his appeal and all but he's just obnoxious to me.

He's incredibly cringed

24 Dxfan619

This guys channel is a gathering place for Akame Ga Kill and SAO haters, where in the comments they constantly call fans of those series "retard 14 year olds" and other horrible things. The guy himself is annoying, half of his vocabulary are "Bad, Horrible, Horrendous, God-Awful, Terrible" etc. I question his status as an anime "fan", seeing as he thinks Code Geass and Gurren Lagann are terrible, everyone has the right to have opinions like that for those series, but he also thinks MOST SHONEN are horrible, in fact he thinks SCHOOL DAYS IS A BETTER ANIME THAN TH EM! l ook at his scores he gave on myanimelist, so many 1s, he just ignores anything positive about the series, also on his myanimelist at the top he has the infamous Miyazaki "Anime was a mistake" quote, also in his reviews of Gurren Lagann and Fairy Tail on Myanimelist, he pretty much implies the people that like those series are morons, that's just horrible and I remember him saying in a Q and A; "Its ok if you like it, ...more

25 akidearest

Though she does do anime reviews, etc., I will mention her VOCALOID content. To me, a fan of VOCALOID who has been in the community for a couple years, she gives MANY, MANY misconceptions about the topic. Dosen't even mention it's a program, neglects all other languages except Japanese, capitalizes off songs most people in the community know, and fails to mention any producers/artists that make the songs/images. It makes me remember my awful phase where I cared less about the program. Too bad her videos come up when people search for VOCALOID. Yamaha is trying to do enough no-anime-art marketing for VOCALOID5 in the West.

As for her anime videos, I believe most of what was said about TheAnimeMan can apply to her too...

I don't understand why, but her and The Anime Man truly irk me. To be honest, I don't dislike her as much as Misty SLASH Chronexia or The Anime Man, but I just don't like her videos in general. Not all of them are bad though and she isn't the worst anime reviewer.

How? Aki is hilarious. And beautiful too.

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