Top 10 Yummiest Foods That Look Nasty

The Top Ten
1 Sushi

This actually looks good in my opinion

Raw fish IS nasty.

2 Smoothies

I think the majority of smoothies taste very good. but if there are green or gray foods inside the color can be gross looking. one time my mom made a good looking smoothie and had me taste it and I trusted her but it turns out she put garlic inside of it and it tasted so horrific I cried and brushed my teeth for 15 minutes

Some smoothies look nasty depending on what your mixing. Some people be mixing up all sorts of random crap like bell peppers, spinach, and cayenne.

3 Tuna

I love tuna and it doesn't look nasty at all.

4 Mash Potatoes

My brother thinks potatoes are the most disgusting things in the world, but I love potatoes. I don't like mashed potatoes at school because it barely has any flavor, and their are dry, chunky bits in them, which is nasty.

5 Supreme Pizza

Pizza isn't nasty.

6 Pasta

Pastas look kinda gross but once you try it you won't regret it.-LitSavage

7 Oatmeal

oatmeal is not mouthwatering but I wouldn't call it nasty. it has little to no visual appeal but it does taste pretty good during the low points in life I find myself consuming it

8 Beans
9 Rice
10 Fish
The Contenders
11 Guacamole

I like guacamole.

12 Chocolate Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually brown food preparation of Theobroma cacao seeds, roasted and ground, and often flavored with vanilla.

Chocolate does not look nasty at all. Whoever added this probably hates the color brown

13 Balut
14 Pig Blood Curd
15 Macaroni and Cheese
16 Macaroni and Chocolate
17 Cow Brain
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