Dumbest Reason Not to Buy an Xbox One

The Top Ten
All of my friends have a PlayStation 4

Nice list. Pretty similar to my list of Dumbest Reasons Not to Buy PlayStation 4, don't you think so? Haha even the "mario" element is here

So you want to end up with 50% kids with their annoying voices and trollers

It was made in 2013. 13 is a bad number so that means I'll always lose

Yes, agreed, Illuminati confirmed

No Mario on the XBOX ONE
The XBOX 360 had a bad kinect and the XBOX ONE Needs to come with it
It's Black and Black is a evil color
It's too big
I already have a Play Station 4
It's a XBOX 360
It's like Seri
I hit my balls with my Xbox 360 and I'm afraid I'll do the same here.

The Newcomers

? No Mario Kart games
? No Super Smash Bros. games
The Contenders
It reminds me of my mother in law

Haha! What is the connection? They both are electrifying?!

If I buy it somebody will take it
It's classist towards people who are poor
It's a cash grab
It's a cash cow
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