Top Ten Worst Authors
These are the people who claim to be authors but really just create boring, talentless books and give writers a bad example. But it is very rare and that's a good thing.
Why read a book about the struggle when he thinks he could save Germany and yet made it so much worse? Literally, everyone hated him.
Why would anyone, who isn't a massive Hitler-sympathizing racist idiot, want to read about his Kampf (struggle)?
I think mass genocide is worse than the other authors here.

It's her fault the world had to go through the torture that is Twilight.
And then that unmemorable fanfiction of Twilight that is Fifty Shades of Grey. We had to suffer through those.

This man caused so many wars. The Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba wouldn't exist and be so cruel if his book wasn't published.
Supreme example of the insolence in German academia of the 19th century. Edgy. Self-righteous. Not applicable to reality.

To be frank, I view the Church of Scientology through the same lens I view the Branch Davidians, and I even reckon that the Scientologists have killed their fair share of people to boot. Plus, their influence on mainstream entertainment is remarkably immoral. Hubbard is directly to blame for all of it, and he did it for fun. Obviously, he was not as harmful of a man as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc., but he was nearly as wretched.
Wrote terrible sci-fi novels, then made one of his sci-fi novels into a terrible religion.

Only those who are mindless fat rednecks wouldn't include her on this list.

She didn't seem particularly intelligent, to put it lightly.
She's definitely the unrestrained id of Capitalism.
The Newcomers

We have different opinions, and this is how the real world works. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you don't have the right to bash others' thoughts or force your opinion into our minds. I'm sorry to say this, but Rachel Renée Russell is one of the most terrible authors and isn't a very good person. We have the right to state opinions, and I'm sorry to say this.
I have evidence. That's right, facts and lists don't care about your feelings, so you go get a life.
I really don't like her, and Dork Diaries is her worst series ever.

Harry Potter is an overrated, crappy book series. It basically starts out with "poor Harry, look at how he is unfairly treated by EVERYONE in sight!" *sniffles* The plot is unrealistic. If a kid got adopted or taken in by another relative, you'd think the school would call CPS based on how unprepared and underdressed he is.
Then, all of a sudden, he becomes this famous, prophesied, beautiful child, and everything goes right for him without even trying.
I know people will hate this, but it's MY opinion.
I believe prose doesn't get the same pass as other forms of media, such as visual entertainment, when it comes to enjoying the kids/family genre as an adult. The reason I believe this is because the visual medium is digestible and understandable for life, whereas prose is inevitably outgrown. Most adults simply don't find much worth in immature writing.
Somehow, Harry Potter as a franchise has infected the minds of countless millennials and older zoomers, and its effects last a lifetime. Since I didn't grow up with Harry Potter (the series simply never intrigued me), I don't experience any nostalgia for the novels or movies. I think so-called "Harry Potter adults" are experiencing the series through rose-tinted glasses because Harry Potter is nothing more than a power fantasy. Never before or since have I personally been taken aback by the sheer selfishness of a wish-fulfillment story. The Wizarding World basically mirrors the world of Muggles in its hierarchical nature, rampant consumerism, and harsh social expectations. It provides no sort of wish fulfillment outside of casting spells and encountering unusual creatures, and frankly, I believe that makes it lazy.
Beyond specific enemies such as Voldemort, Harry and crew don't take on much adversity. The protagonists don't strive to change the world for the better and seem more concerned with personal matters. At least Batman recognized that violent crime is the root problem behind his parents' deaths.
It's no surprise that J.K. Rowling has only continued to prove herself a pretty useless public figure with her nauseating worldview. Whether it be her status as transphobe number one or the suspiciously racially coded aspects of the Harry Potter series, Rowling only makes her wild, rags-to-super-riches success seem all the more implausible, as if her novels became bestsellers on a complete fluke.
At the risk of sounding childish in the eyes of many curmudgeonly, try-hard adults, I believe... more

He is literally an idiot to write such illicit novels like Maximum Ride and Murder Suspect whatnot. I hate him.

Martin is simply overrated. All high fantasy authors owe the majority of their inspiration to Tolkien, but George seems to be more concerned with being a Tolkien tribute act than cultivating an identity of his own. Yet another pop culture author who verifies the belief that mainstream entertainment is often shallow and unchallenging.
It doesn't matter how many Rs you add to your name. If you write content that is exploitative and does nothing to bring recognition or compassion to the evils of war, you are still just a person who has contributed nothing toward the betterment of society. His popularity and lack of legitimate commentary just go to show how disturbing human fascination can be.