Top 10 Scariest Books of All Time

This is the most brilliant book I've ever had the pleasure to read! It's amazing how much character development there is here. Stephen King is a genius! You really start caring and rooting for the characters. I thought The Shining was the most horrifying book ever, until I read IT. Thank you for the creeps and goosebumps, King!
An amazing mixture of terrifying scenes with bouts of brilliant description and writing, characterization, and pure genius in the flow of the plot itself. It will forever haunt my dreams from time to time, a good souvenir from this massive journey.

Hated reading it, but just couldn't stop.
This is absolutely terrifying!

The scariest scene is Here's Johnny!

You see, if you bury your dead kid and he comes back and kills your best friend and his wife, maybe, just MAYBE, you shouldn't make the same mistake with your wife. But all in all, this is a great book. Read it when I was 12.

Chilling and very original collection of short stories.
Everyone's a book of blood.

While the present tense may take a while to get used to ('Sterling looked down the empty corridor'), Thomas Harris' thriller is amazing and surprisingly terrifying, beautifully made into a suspenseful movie.

You're gonna need a bigger boat.

The Newcomers

This beats the crap out of everything above it. Most chilling novel I've ever read.

It is the scariest horror book I have ever read.

I read a lot of Stephen King books, and this is the only one that actually terrified me. I'm not going to tell you what happens, but I'll tell you it is completely unlike any other Stephen King book.

Shut up, Meg. Only reason I voted here...

Not quite as terrifying as IT, but this book (and the movie for that matter) are some of the most terrifying things that I have ever read.