Top Ten Reasons Why Instagram Is Better Than TheTopTens

The Top Ten
You can talk to your real friends on Instagram

Nah, TheTopTens is better. You get to find users here with your same taste if you are not into stupid trends like the Kardasians and bad memes(not all memes) and vines. If you hate those bad trends, here is the good place to escape because not a lot of users here like that.

I kind of changed my mind about Instagram, I recently joined it.

This list is retarded. Instagram is a rip off of Facebook.

You can post pictures on Instagram

Instagram and TheTopTens don't have anything to do with each other. So stop comparing stuff that have nothing alike like I did.

And you can post lists on TheTopTens. I personally prefer Instagram, but both sites are good in different ways.

I love instagram as an art gallery of sorts, but... They're not comparable.

Instagram is more popular

Popular DOES NOT equal better. The top tens is my favorite website, and Instagram is just filled with shootouts, scams, and stupid people. The top tens is more releasing your opinion, and not taking super grainy selfies asking how you look today.

This is like saying Nikki Manaj is better than Panic! At the Disco because she is more popular.

If the TopTens was as popular as Instagram, there would probably be a lot more trolls around.

TheTopTens is inappropriate for little kids, Instagram is appropriate

There are many pedos and stalkers and hackers trying to get your number and inappropriate stuff and hack your account and cyber bully. I never experienced that on TheTopTens. Heck, they won't even let us curse!

This is backwards. Anyone who would make a list dissing TheTopTens is stupid. You made an account on TheTopTens but you don't like it.

Instagram is for 13+ And TheTopTens is for 12+ so if anything there about the some just Instagram is more inappropriate not more appropriate

Too many this is better than that lists on TheTopTens

Funny how this is on a list called Reasons Instagram is better than TheTopTens...

This site isn't called TheTopTens for nothing you know?

Only hypocrites and illiterate people vote for this.

You can take selfies on Instagram

Selfies are really stupid in my opinion. You put it on social media, and get "likes" from random people that could possibly be creepy 30 year old uncles for all you know. And, I can hardly take a selfie with one hand, nevermind hold the phone!

The only good that came out of selfies are that now, hostile aliens won't visit our planet and attack us.

If you take selfies, you need to reconsider yourself.

TheTopTens admin doesn't care

He has a policy. That's why you can't curse in this site. It makes the people have nicer tendencies unlike in Instagram.

I agree it doesn't really change much but they do listen

The only good reason on this list.

Instagram has a better logo

I agree, and I also agree that Instagram is better, (I like both though so don't shoot me) but how does having a better logo make the site itself better?

Too many WWE lists on TheTopTens

Oh yeah there is I think people might have problem

That is a big problem here. WWE is fake.

Music lists are way more overused.

Too much Bieber hatred on TheTopTens

It's not like there is no Bieber hatred in Instagram. Many people hate all sorts of stuff there.

As much as I love this website, and how much I hats JB, it gets annoying when you go to a "worst things to find in your locker" and number 2 is JB

Like the Adolf Hitler < JB list. I'd rather listen to a year of Justin Beiber than be beaten, starved, or tortured.

The Newcomers

? TheTopTens is for snobs
? Instagram is a place to take pics when you feel good
The Contenders
Too much hatred for Nicki Minaj

I hate her music but the hatred starts to get annoying sometimes because o stupid reasons.

TheTopTens is full of brats

Instagram has many brats. TheTopTens has respectfull, intelligent people. The person who made this list is a hypocrite- she is calling herself a brat.

Yeah, let's have a TheTopTens party... so we can eat bratwursts sponsored by Instagram.

We're nor brats, we are people who have opinions backed up with logic.

Too many Haters

Same with Instagram and Facebook, you hypocrite.

People on TheTopTens think they're better
Instagram has more diversity with fanbases
Instagram has nicer users

For the record, Instagram users are selfish and obsessed. TheTopTens users may be obsessed with stuff, but they are rational, they have logic, are smarter and are nicer.

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