MADHOUSE: Halloween Special VI

2storm Therandom: Hey guys it's Halloween.
Bobbythebrony: Yes I love Halloween.
Delgia2k: We should go around the neighborhood and get some candy.
ShatteredCrystal: Yeah should also go to that 5 star hotel.
Love2storm: I'll go with you.
Sweetmadi11: Me too.
OneWaystreet: Me too.
Therandom: Ok so let's.
At Therandom, Dapperpickle, and Turkeyayslum.
Therandom rings the doorbell.
Positronwildhawk: Hello.
Turkeyayslum: Is that you?
Positronwildhawk: Who?
Therandom: You're Positronwildhawk.
Positronwildhawk: Yeah.
Dapperpickle: I'm Dapperpickle.
Positronwildhawk: I never really liked you.
Turkeyayslum: Turkeyayslum.
Therandom: Therandom.
Positronwildhawk: Cool have some candy.
At 5 star hotel.
ShatteredCrystal: Cool one more room number 509.
Love2storm: Cool.
Sweetmadi11 rings the bell.
Zodiac Killer: Hello.
Onewaystreet: Give me Candy.
Zodiac Killer: No.
Stabs Onewaystreet strangles Sweetmadi11 and pulls Love2storm and ShatteredCrystal in he stuffs Love2storm in the toilet then flushes her and knocks ShatteredCrystal unconscious.
Zodiac Killer: Easy.

No voting today sorry for the late episode


Kinda short but still good - bobbythebrony