AlphaQ Sup guys here's an important announcement coming up so meanwhile hear my weird goat screams:

Ok I'm done. Hello everyone I have a few announcements to make

1. New User. I have made a backup account in case my old user won't work or gets suspended or if I forget my password. It's name is 51im_Ro55_2002. Lookout for that...tho I haven't commented on anything yet...

2. World Order. Im starting a Rap World Order. Message me if ya wanna join! I'll accept any request but you have to like rap to join.

3. Name Change. You know my posts called AlphaQ's Weird Rantz which is about me reviewing things I hate, right? Well I'm going to change the name to AlphaQ's Explosionz. So lookout for the stuff.

4. That's it. That's all I can say. Thank you for wasting your time reading this!


Also I have a new post called Album Analysis. It's when I look through all the songs in an album. 1st one is coming on Monday or so...? My first Explosion is gonna be on Trumpet Lights. - AlphaQ