Lord Of The Bad Lists S01E01 : Deadmau5 haters are going too far (Worst Electronic Songs)

BlueDiamondFromNowhere Hi! This is my first episode of Lord Of The Bad Lists. I don't hate this list because I'm a Deadmau5 fan, but because his haters are going too far. If people don't like him, I'm fine but making a lame list for bashing him and his music make me angry. I don't think it's necessary to make a list of ''Worst (name genre of music here) songs of all time'' and to put all his most famous hits. I don't like Chris Brown, but I won't do a list of worst hip-hop songs and to put only songs by him because my hate toward him will go too far and i would need to stop. I'm fine with this list if there is only bad songs by various artist, but if it's only to bash your least favorite music artist, there is no way I would tolerate this list. I know that SelfDestruct is a troll and he makes various acounts to bash Jackie Evancho and Deadmau5 and he is going too far by hating Deadmau5 by

1.Making various acounts that have the same opinion as him to put his least favorite music artist at number one in any bad lists

2.By making this list

Lesson of the day: People have limits to hate a music artist. Making various acounts that have the exact opinion or making a list to bash the music artist is too far.

Next episode: A rant about the list of Reasons to not be gay/lesian





Agreed. I also think creating various accounts to bash a user who disagrees with him is uncalled for. Yes, I'm looking at PhotonWildhawk, NegatronWildhawk, Decepticon and several others. - PositronWildhawk

Self Destruct is an idiot he has LIKE 100 accouts like for example
And more
He should be kick off now - BigBrotherSucks