What Ever Happened To " Good Music"?

Pony One thing about TheTopTens users is that they love music. However, they love to loathe such artists like Justin Bieber or Nicki Minaj. Some even have lost faith in this generation. Wait, what?
What happened? We went from Robert Johnson to Lil'Wayne? Since when did the music industry apparently became "greedy"? Is this the new way to get money fast? Is this some exploitation? Or did everyone gave up on music?
I think I have a theory. There is in fact no such thing as "good" or "bad" music. Rather, it is a superlative. Rush is considered pleasant sounding to the ear ( thus, " good"), while Justin Bieber is considered unpleasant ( and thus "bad").
It is funny that while nobody can agree on which is "good", everyone agrees on which is "bad". What I'm trying to say is that music is music. Led Zeppelin is no different from Skrillex, it's just that we perceive these artists differently. Also, it's just how humans react to these things, like music. Maybe we will have better opinion approval after this post has been read. Maybe. But for now, we can hope for the future and how much music will be made.


This is a high quality work that I am proud of. - Pony