Top 10 Lamest TV Series Some People Actually Watched
Television has been home to some of the greatest shows of all time, but for every hit series, there's a handful of flops. Inexplicably, some of these shows still manage to attract a devoted audience, despite their poor writing, bad acting, or lackluster production values.Whether it's a cringe-worthy sitcom that somehow lasted several seasons or a sci-fi show that makes you question how it ever got greenlit, these series prove that people will watch just about anything.

This show holds a special place in my childhood. A long time ago, probably in second grade, I went to summer camp. No one I knew went there, and being a shy person, it was hard to make friends.
One day, some girls came up to me and asked if I watched Hannah Montana. I said no because I thought it was stupid. From then on, they made sure that no one would talk to me for the rest of the summer. The only person in my group who talked to me was the counselor. Needless to say, I had a bad summer.
I did make a ton of friends, though, except they were a year older than me, so I never saw them. So, Hannah Montana was the reason I had a terrible summer. Actually, it was the mean girls, but whatever.

What I really dislike about the show is that the jerk tries to act as if he is so understanding and open, but he talks down to people the moment he has a difference in opinion.
The idiot isn't even a doctor, and he enjoys his seat on his oh-so-high horse.
The man is nothing but a shrewd person who exploits people for ratings. His latest episode with a 7-month pregnant teen was solely about ratings. Give us a break and go away.
A small part of me wishes that the people who visited "Doctor" Phil could all be on Survivor at the same time. That would be WAY more entertaining.

This show is such a disaster. I feel bad for one of my younger sister's friends because all she can watch is Jersey Shore, but I'm glad she hates it. This show could feature explicit content and nudity, but I know how many censor beeps there are.
I also hate that it is overrated, and the "based on a true story" claim is unbearable. It highlights how foolish people are to enjoy this. Furthermore, it airs constantly on MTV, which is one of the worst aspects of this show.
Ugh! People on my bus last year were obsessed! For Halloween, they got a group of friends and couldn't decide who would be The Situation for an hour!
And they left everyone who doesn't watch it out of conversations. Also, they left people who aren't girly girls or rapper-cursing boys out. Which meant they hated me. I'm a tomboy. I cannot stand to be near girly girls.
Two spoiled rich girls who think they're more intelligent than the people they're meeting (big city girls going to hillbillies). Who was watching this crap?
Gave fame to the two people that deserved it least. Terrible people. No thought went into this show at all, just two mildly attractive girls.
Just a show to boost the egos of these two divas. Wait a minute, you had to have done something to be called a diva. They have zero talent!

I have never seen this show, but from the commercials I've seen for it, I am certainly glad my little brothers don't watch it. I mean, it's a show about dumb aliens that give people nightmares and have a void in their skulls where their brain should be.
I actually watched that when I was little, but now I hate it. One time my mom thought everyone liked Tinky Winky.
This is the most stupid kids' show ever. It was so bad that I didn't even watch it as a kid because my mom thought it was full of bullcrap.

This must be the show where the viewer (if you can stand to watch more than 30 seconds) gets to see boorish lowlifes yell at each other. There is no one to like or root for. They are all jackasses.
Springer, in spite of his sophomoric disclaimer at the end of the show, probably guffaws all the way to the bank on the backs of these ignorant people. Not even a guilty pleasure. A waste of airtime.
The only people who actually watch this disgusting show are people who probably deserve to be on the show themselves. It is an awful show that brings absolutely nothing to the table.
The three times I've watched it are the three biggest wastes of time I have ever experienced.

The Kardashians' existence has made me understand revolution because nothing has made me want to take a pitchfork and storm the media industry more than having this garbage forced down my throat every time I turn on the TV or even glance at a magazine.
It wouldn't be so bad if they were famous for something. But they're not. They are rich and undeservedly so. When they die, they will all be rapidly forgotten. This is the only pleasure I take in knowing this family of idiots exists.
There are so many shows that do not deserve to be on this list.
Keeping Up with the Kardashians is the epitome of everything that's wrong with television. What's the appeal of this show? Who are these people? What are they famous for? I will never understand why some people watch crap like that.
It's just tasteless garbage, basically. No one should watch it, not even 'ironically' (which is not a thing, by the way. If you're watching it, it's because you like it).

Most people believe that Friends is the best comedy TV series. However, I found Friends boring and lame, and most of the episodes didn't make me laugh even once. On the other hand, Two and a Half Men, which many say is the worst comedy TV series, has made me laugh more than Friends ever did.
The show never evolved and never added new cast members who would continue being part of the gang. It's the same six friends until the end. The cast looks all movie star-ish and superficial. Chandler's comedy is funny in some episodes, but other than that, it's just drama, drama, and more drama. The worst part is that the story keeps repeating but with different characters. Friends is so lame that I don't even know why people have such bad taste. It should not be in the top 5. It's a highly overrated piece of crap.

Given that people now barely care about Jerry Springer or Teletubbies, American Idol (Idiots?) should move far up on this list. It emphasizes the "industry" in the music industry by polluting it with useless, pro-tooled "singers" who believe that excessive melisma or screaming somehow constitutes singing while disregarding real emotion.
Nearly every other aspect of the show is cheesy: the band (always a predictable drum roll after every song), "feuds" between "judges," the annoying Ryan Seacrest, infomercial-like pleas to vote for a contestant, and the repetition of the same songs. Furthermore, many popular artists (both from the past and present) do not have a chance to win American Idol. Not to mention the allegations that the show is staged, rigged, or fixed.
It is sad that this monstrosity of a show and its ilk exist while truly talented artists work hard day and night simply to gain recognition. All its winners and contestants should be criticized for force-feeding their mediocre music.

If you look at the series now, it's pretty dated (in a bad way). TV series like, for instance, Star Trek from the sixties still retain their charm, but The X-Files seems to lose it as it gets older.
Maybe it proves that the series "The X-Files" was lame to begin with.
The first two seasons were great. After that, what a mess! So boring, so lame. I can't even believe that people think David Duchovny is a real actor. And poor Gillian Anderson... Such a pathetic career.
Could have been so good, but it turned out to be such garbage.
The Newcomers

Yes! Caillou is such a baby, and he whines like one too!

I used to like this show, but it has become boring and repetitive. I'm still watching for a lack of better shows that currently air new episodes, but I hope this show ends permanently soon because the day it does is the day I quit watching.
I used to like the show, but it got boring because it's so repetitive. You can start watching it from any season, but if you watch it for more than 2 years, it will start getting boring.
A friend showed it to me. This show is just not funny.

I hate that dumb dinosaur. Thank goodness this crap is canceled.
My sister watches that, and it drives me crazy.

I hate reality TV, especially the Australian Big Brother. But how did all those great sitcoms get above it?
I can understand why people would think Two and a Half Men or The Nanny were bad (even though I like them), but Friends, Bewitched, and The Big Bang Theory don't deserve to be on this list.
Who would want to go on a show that completely makes you look like an idiot in a house and has you do stupid things? I made the mistake of watching for 5 minutes and prayed to God to forgive them.
This is the only vote this show will ever get from me. Get it to number 1, along with all the various "idol" shows. Reality TV sucks.

What's so great about this show?

Aren't those hillbilly idiots confirmed to be honey badgers they captured? Because no normal human has a room full of toilet paper and can eat a ton of "sketti."
What human in their right mind would feed their child Mountain Dew mixed with whatever and call it GOGO JUICE?!? It's more like poisoning your child with juice.
This is absolutely disgusting. I saw part of an episode, and the mom was explaining the birds and the bees with food. This is one of the reasons I hate Fruit Loops.
This show was gross, disgusting, and nothing more than just an hour of a family doing stereotypical Southern things.

Actually watch this show at the age of 12 and try to give it a chance. It will kill you.
Rrrrghh! People watch her crap. I hated it when I was four, and I hate it now. Dora is that bad.

This show sucks a lot. It's a bunch of hot thirty-year-olds who are somehow still in high school, doing each other.
This show never should have been put on air, even though all of my friends watched it!

It was like Ren and Stimpy, but in a bad way.

So, some flying Barbies in booty shorts and toddler skirts who think they look cool dance and sing while taking credit for fighting, while they rely on their dragon pet slave who can nearly kill them due to height. It's really, really black and white.
Its bad guys are bad 'cause we don't like them, so we are good. I absolutely hate it!
It's not a good example for little girls because of what the characters wear. Terrible example.
Bloom, the fairy of dragon farts.
Stella, the fairy of eww and grossness.
Flora, the fairy of toxic waste.
Tecna, the fairy of foolishness.
Aisha, the fairy of urine.
Roxy, the fairy of animal cruelty.
We don't watch shows targeted towards girls, so please cancel this content for us!

I hate it! Could we please kill this series? And yes, I have seen an episode, and yes, I hated the episode. I just can't get this damn stupid episode out of my head. I hate this series!
Most offensive show ever with completely shallow humor. If anything creative ever comes out of that show, I'll be shocked.

I really don't like Kickin' It. It's so stupid. Also, I dislike Jack's hair.

The humor is totally unfunny.
I am forced to leave the room for the sake of my sanity whenever my daughter wants to watch it.
It was okay most of the time, but the "Angel" character was annoying and boring at times. She couldn't get over her heartbreak for more than 3 seasons.
Loved the show. It was made to be campy!