Top 10 Best Stranger Things Characters

Stranger Things has brought us one of the most memorable and unique ensembles of characters in recent TV history. From the very first episode, we've been pulled into the world of Hawkins, Indiana, where kids on bikes and shady government labs meet terrifying monsters and supernatural twists. But beyond the monsters and mysteries, it's the characters that keep us coming back.

The show wouldn't be the same without its mix of misfit teens, quirky adults, and of course, the unforgettable kids with their tight-knit friendships. From the charming and heroic to the odd and unpredictable, these characters give Stranger Things its heart and soul. Some of them make us cheer, others make us laugh, and a few manage to break our hearts - all while making it look easy.
The Top Ten
Steve Harrington

I like Steve, but he is kind of bossy towards the kids, Robin, and Nancy. But I know he loves them all and wants to protect them. After all, he is older than them. I hope he and Nancy get back together in Season 5. Jonathan is not right for poor Nancy. He always yells at her and makes her cry.

I liked Steve for the most part in Season 1, found him boring in Season 2, and liked him again in Season 3. Hilarious.

Though Steve was a bit of a jerk to Nancy and Jonathan in the beginning, his redemption arc has been amazing.

I honestly get goosebumps every time he twirls the bat or the phone, haha. The way he protects the kids, especially Dustin, is heartwarming. The way he pictures his future with Nancy makes you love him even more.

I really thought he was going to be a goner in Season 4. I'm hoping he makes it through Season 5!

Eleven Eleven is a fictional character of the Netflix science fiction horror series Stranger Things. She is portrayed by Millie Bobby Brown.

Eleven was really adorable in Season 1, and I still love her for the most part. I loved how she helped Billy and felt sorry for him. Holding his hand and touching his cheek was heartwarming. She and Billy, in almost every scene together, were on the verge of tears. I think El had a crush on him. Mike would have definitely been jealous of Billy because of the scenes he and El had together.

El represents girl power, but apparently, people have been saying that Max, Robin, and Nancy all took her place as the awesome girl. I agree with Nancy and Robin, but not Max. I prefer Eleven, Nancy, and Robin over Max. The only thing I didn't like about Eleven was that in Season 4, she hit poor Angela in the face with a roller skate. I know Angela was mean, but seeing her cry and her nose bleeding was sad and horrifying. Mike and Will were shocked, and Angela's friends were very worried about her.

I never hated Angela, and ever since I saw what happened, I stopped disliking Angela. But I still love Eleven for the most part.

Jim Hopper

Far and away the best character, Jim Hopper is introduced as a lazy alcoholic cop but receives the best character development on the show. He is a genius, bare-bones detective who stops at nothing to protect the people in his town.

Whether it's finding who killed your pumpkins or traveling to an alternate dimension to find your long-lost son and save him from a rampaging, bloodthirsty, inter-dimensional Demogorgon, Hopper is the detective for you.

Seriously, though, he's one of the best characters I've ever had the pleasure of following in a series. The fact that he's not number one is a crime.

Dustin Henderson

Oh, Dustin. He's got so much personality! He's the smartest (he's book-smart, but he knows how to apply his knowledge) and the funniest by far. I just love his little rivalry with Mike's dad.

His friendship with Steve is so wholesome, and with Eddie. I ugly cried when he talks to Eddie's uncle and reassures him Eddie died a hero, even if the whole town believes completely otherwise.

He had my heart from the get-go.


Ok, can we be honest? Dustin is genuinely the best character in this show, hands down. The only other people who have a chance are Steve and Eddie. We've only seen one season of Eddie, and we will only see one season of Eddie.

Steve is very close to Dustin. Neither of them would be as good without each other.

Mike Wheeler

Oh, Mike, he's been getting a lot of hate lately with how he's been written in the fourth season. I agree that seasons 3 and 4 Mike do not live up to seasons 1 and 2 Mike. Before people say, "Mike is a bad friend," let's look back at the first two seasons, shall we?

In season 1, Mike jumped off a cliff for Dustin. He was willing to die for him. Is that a bad friend? In the second season, while I don't like how he treated Max, he was incredibly caring towards Will and was always there for him, no matter what.

Though Mike seemed more insensitive in the later seasons, let's look at it this way: he's a teenager. Teenagers have obnoxious phases. All the characters have their moments like this. But people don't seem to realize that even though he makes mistakes, that caring person he was in the first two seasons is still in there. He apologizes to Will after how he treated him at the skating rink, and his pep talk to El is what motivated her to fight back against Vecna.

Bottom line, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, but let's stop hating on Mike.

Joyce Byers

This series needs Joyce Byers. Period. The woman is batting 1000 when it comes to her instincts. She knew in season one that Will wasn't dead, that he was "somewhere else," and it was her conviction that eventually led Hopper to team up with her to get him back, uncovering a government conspiracy and an alternate dimension in the process.

She knew in season two that there was something much more sinister going on with Will's "episodes" than just PTSD, and it turned out the kid was possessed by the Mind Flayer, which she promptly exorcised from his body like a boss.

And in season three: MAGNETS. I rest my case.

She's also the sweet, maternal figure we all need in our lives, and I want her to hug me all the time.

Nancy Wheeler

Ugh, they're all just so lovable - their complexity and depth in character. How can I possibly decide? But I'm choosing Nancy, not because I favor her more than Hopper, Joyce, or the others, but because of the unavoidable chemistry between her and Jonathan.

Nevertheless, I adore each and every one of the cast. Dustin's potty-mouth quirkiness, Lucas's cynicism, Joyce's sheer maternal fury, Hopper's biting sarcasm, Mike's loyalty, Eleven's grammatically limited vocabulary. Heck, I even like Steve, whether out of pity or not. I like Eleven, not particularly because of her character development, but... you know. She kicks butt, so that's a definite merit in her own.

Jonathan Byers

Jonathan might not be as magnetic and charming as Steve, but that's because he's a different person with a different upbringing. He's an introvert and dislikes most people. But to be honest, people aren't exactly nice to him either. He didn't get to enjoy his teens because he had to step up to help his family, work, and take care of Will, which he did without complaining because he loves them.

He's an amazing big brother to Will - caring, empathetic, accepting, and just so wholesome. He has his flaws, but that just makes him a more realistic character. He's just a young man who's had to grow up too fast and who doesn't fit in. But he doesn't care about fitting in, and that's also cool.

Max Mayfield

I love Max. Initially, I wasn't a huge fan of her when she was first introduced, as she seemed kind of rude and aloof. However, as the second season progressed, I grew to appreciate her and her fierce attitude. Major props to her for standing up to Billy like that.

I loved her friendship with El in the third season, and the fourth season really solidified what a good character she is, showcasing how amazing an actress Sadie Sink is. She feels guilty for Billy's death and has been cursed by Vecna. She narrowly escapes death in "Dear Billy," but isn't so lucky in "The Piggyback." Fortunately, El manages to restart her heart, but she's now in a coma.

Mad Max, I really hope you return in season five.

Will Byers

I adore Will, and he's one of the most sympathetic characters in my opinion. He's gone through so much throughout the course of the series. Starting in the first season, he was taken by the Demogorgon and was forced to stay in the Upside Down for an entire week. Even after being rescued, he was still plagued by nightmares, flashbacks, and visions afterward.

In season 2, he was literally possessed by the Mind Flayer. In season 3, he felt ignored by his friends, as none of them were interested in spending time with him. In season 4, it is confirmed that he is gay and that he is in love with Mike, who he is forced to watch fall in love with El and grow distant from him.

Let's remember that the show takes place in the '80s, where being gay wasn't accepted the way it is nowadays. Will deserves better, and I truly hope he ends up happy at the end of the series (fingers crossed).

The Newcomers

? Eddie Munson

SO sweet and kind, but has some flaws. He genuinely loves Chrissy and is sad at her death. All-time saddest death.

He was such a great character. RIP, or hopefully not. Hope to see him again in season 5!

I am sad he died, and I wish he could have been around for another season.

? One

This guy freaks me out.

The Contenders
Lucas Sinclair

Lucas is the most underrated of the main group. I didn't like him much in the first season because of how he treated El, but I loved him for the remainder of the series. He's the lighthearted one, always cracking jokes and making me smile. His relationship with Max is adorable as well.

Lucas deserves more appreciation because he's always there for his friends, no matter what.

He is WAY too underrated when he is the best. The best is Lucas, then Dustin, then Will and Mike are tied for last. Wait, do Max and El count as members of the group? Anyway, just these dudes. Lucas is AMAZING. He is such a cool guy, and maybe he treated El wrong in season 1, but he made up for it.

Didn't you guys see his badass door kick in season 2? Best moment in the whole show.

Robin Buckley

Robin and Steve are such an iconic duo. They're both my favorite characters, but I picked Robin because, in my opinion, she's very underrated since she was recently added to the Stranger Things cast.

She is lovable, logical, has a witty, sarcastic sense of humor, and keeps Steve from doing stupid things. Not to mention the best part: she's gay.

I have to admit, I loved her rude and snarky self in season three! It was kind of cool, but I felt bad for Steve. Now, in season four, she is energetic and kind, and she is friends with Nancy, which I also love.

Robin and Nancy are both queens, but I hope Robin will at least have a little bit of rudeness and snark in the final season.

Billy Hargrove

Billy is my favorite character and always will be. He's cute and cool at the same time. Every time I see him in the show, I tear up, especially during the scenes where his father was very cruel to him and where he sacrificed himself to save Max, El, and their friends.

He only had a few people who cared about him: Tommy H, Carol, their friends, Ms. Wheeler, Heather, Eleven, and I guess Max. I was upset when I learned in season 4 that Max wanted him to die. He may have been kind of mean, but he was just a kid who missed his mom and had no good role models. How can someone say it's not an excuse for what he did if he never knew it wasn't okay?

Murray Bauman

Best character in the entire show! He is awesome, funny, and sarcastic, and I think he needs more time on the screen than he gets. I hope they continue to include him in the next season!

I have a very similar personality to him, so it is fun for me to watch. I like when he shouts at Joyce and Hopper in the car with Alexei, and Alexei asks what he said. He simply goes, "I told them they should have sex."

Murray is a very funny character and has helped progress the storyline.

Ninja man! He is a sweet guy that can be weird. We all need that, right?

Bob Newby

It was incredibly heartbreaking when Bob met his death. I personally thought that Bob was one of the most realistic and relatable characters throughout Stranger Things. He just wants to be a good stepdad and role model and is loving and protective. I love his dorky personality and his references to nerdy subjects.

Even though he is somewhat clueless and has character flaws, he's cool and my third favorite character.

Most traumatic character death, in my opinion. He brought stability to the Byers household and brought joy to everyone he knew. Some probably think he's boring, but in my opinion, his character was very refreshing.


I absolutely love this character. He had a lot of personality despite his short screen time and the fact that he didn't speak a word of English. That's a sign of great writing.

Poor dude was just playing a carnival game and was going to eat a hot dog. RIP.

Alexei was hands down my favorite character in Season 3. He was like a teddy bear.

Erica Sinclair

"Can't spell America without Erica." She is hilarious and enjoyable to watch! I liked the scene where she and Dustin argue about My Little Pony.

Erica is honestly the best character. She makes fun of Lucas for having a crush on Max, and honestly, she needs way more recognition.

Erica brings the joy to the series that we all wanted to see!

Dr. Sam Owens
Karen Wheeler

I like her. She is an awesome mom. She may not always know what's going on, but key moments I like were when she had a heart-to-heart with Nancy and told her she was proud of her for sticking up for herself in season three.

She always takes care of Holly throughout the show, and she showed care to Billy. She is a mama bear who seems to really care for her daughters very much!

I like this lady. She and Nancy had a heartwarming conversation in Season 3. She loves her, Mike, and Holly very much. She's one of the few people who cared about Billy, and she's kind of cool.

I hate that she has a very boring husband. She, Mike, Nancy, and Holly should get away from him.

Dr. Martin Brenner

This guy and his other lab workers are pretty much responsible for all the deaths of all the people the Demogorgon/Mind Flayer killed. We don't even know what happened to this guy after Season 1.

Fred Benson
Larry Kline
The Mindflayer

The Mindflayer is the villain in Seasons 2 and 3. The first appearance he made, he was almost like a shadow haunting Will and dragging him to the Upside Down. In Season 3, it was much more exciting.

I even made a cake of the blood-red monster made out of flesh.

The amount of power this thing possesses as an antagonist is truly fascinating. I cannot wait until they flesh out this character further.

Mr. Clarke

Mr. Clarke is OBVIOUSLY the best! I want a teacher like him! He is so funny, unique, creative, and so much more (and tied with Hopper for me).

Mr. Clarke is so underrated. Without him, they never would have been able to get Eleven to float, to understand what the Upside Down was, and never would have had the AV club, which, ahem, is a little bit important.


DART IS LOYAL. He could've killed them all in that one scene when Dustin and the guys ran into him.

But he didn't. He let them pass.

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