real talk top 10 rude comments sent to me

andre56 Well this post was supposed to titled the one songs by eminem I like but then looked at my lists comments and u rounded them up and I'm gonna share them with u guys

1. I'm following someone who doesn't like eminem- casinletsgobowling
2. And your still dumb_-gemcloben
3. We want you invisible- gemcloben
4. Your stupid- coolcat999
5. Andre56 has a 5 in his username as the list called reasons why four is better then 5 - positionwildhawk
6.That's why I'll never follow you I hate breadwinners
7. Your whole family should. Die- puga
And worse
8. Andre56 doesn't like eminem find him and kill him_-visitor

You guys think I'm stupid that was clearly written by a toptener but I don't know who because of this every toptener will be punished I went to the toptens admin and complain and whoever did will be charged with attempted murder I called the police and I have security all around me and if I ask any of u questions you better or I'm gonna blame u

U guys went to far for a stupid reason because of eminem someone who doesn't like u and also I have computer technology to see who did it the first people I question is the ones on this list the person will be found even if it takes a year

Well I gotta go do table read for mtx
Be looking out for my messages


Ignore them. At least you're an actor having all that money.

- LeotheGangstacat - visitor

No Leo. His username is ANDRE56. It doesn't have Nathan potvin. He didn't do any of that stuff. Don't hate me for this though - visitor

Yup - andre56

Exactly. These comments aren't even that offensive anyways, especially if we put andre56's previous actions into account. And why is he getting so butthurt over words on a screen when he's some rich actor who could probably be doing much better things. - visitor

I would like to point out that Positron didn't add that reason on the list. You can look at his remix. - Minecraftcrazy530

It was on his list - andre56

But Minecraftcrazy is right he did not add that on the list - BigBrotherSucks

Andre56 probably put that there to add another reason to this list without thinking about what happened when everyone realized he was the culprit. - Songsta41

Y would I add was on his list reasons y 4 is better then 5 - andre56

I don't think Positron added that comment, it's not like him... - visitor

I agree with you. - visitor

I didn't see a period in all of this. You should fix your grammar.
How do you even know eminent hates us? He doesn't even know who we are!
Oh and by the way, you over react too much! - visitor

Visitor you don't know what your talking about so stay out of this - andre56

Ill translate what andre56 just said.
"You gave good reasons and id lose against you so please don't fight me" - Puga

Puga nailed it. Visitors know what they're talking about, it's you who should have stayed out of this by never posting the blog post. - Songsta41

Listen to what u just said it's about me - andre56

Oh, andre56. When will you ever learn? - visitor

1. I thought it was ten?
2. Mine were just jokes rather than personal attacks.
3. Positronwildhawk never said that. - visitor

What is "yes you do" even mean? That doesn't make sense as a response to anything he said! And what does he not care about? Make more sense! - Songsta41

You are taking this way to far, buddy. - peytonmeyer1234

Agreed. - letdot52

Am not - andre56

Yes you are. Bodyguards really. - peytonmeyer1234

Um andre56, please don't challenge people like that - visitor

Kina got to agree, you took it a little to far. - visitor

What did the admin say Andre56? Is he or she going to suspend those users who picked on you? - visitor

What did I just read anyway? - visitor

Nathan I know your upset but bodyguards around you and yesterday all I was trying to do was get a poptart - Selfiefan68

I thought there were to be ten. And the comment I made wasn't meant to be taken seriously. - CoolCat999

Perfect your dad's dead now all we need is you to die - visitor

Shut up visitor. No one except terrorists deserves to die. - visitor

What did you just say? ? - andre56

I didn't studder. - visitor

I have to agree with Therandom. Oh, and what you said earlier about there was no period at the end of comments and to "Improve on grammar"? You're the one to talk, buddy. - visitor

Holy s*** you blew that out of proportion - Songsta41

Sorry... Kind of new, still learning the basics! - visitor

Actually I think he meant the visitor Frost. - TopTensFan

Haha... Whoops! - visitor

Hope it'll happen. - visitor

Why are you guys up in his business - Selfiefan68

Puga nails it. Why would a "rich actor" care about what every day people say? - visitor

No puga doesn't get that I'm more then rich I'm very rich - andre56

Still Andre, why do you care about what we say when your an "actor". - visitor

You said it'd be top TEN rudest comments, why are there only eight?

I usually stay out of stuff like this, but just pointing something out. - Turkeyasylum

Yep, I agree. If the title says 10, you should have 10 not 8. Just saying... - visitor

Why are y'all stuck on that. That proves you are just being trolls. - TopTensFan

OCD, TTF. And you know what another OCD pet peeve of mine is? The word "y'all". - Puga

@thetoptensfan this is coming from the "person" who made the list reasons not to like homosexuals and atheists. - visitor

Wow, TopTensFans. Aren't you a nice user...

Please, leave everyone alone. - visitor

Stop trolling visitor. - TopTensFan

And yet again, you say I'm the one who picks on users, when you call me the son of Satan. And how am I a hypocrite and a liar if I ADMIT that I say nasty s***? Once again you act like you're an angel. - Puga

@toptensfan, calling puga the son of satan. That's going too far. - visitor

Maybe the reason why its not eight is because people like him. On his post top ten nicest comments he had more then ten so that proves more people like him then hate him. - Selfiefan68

Nah selfiefan, do you see more like or hate comments on this list? - Puga

Actually puga last time I cheak most of the comments are from the same people - Selfiefan68

I'd ignore those comments, but the one about you getting killed over disliking Eminem was absolutely disgusting. Society is just plain stupid, I hope you know that. Instead of showing these rude comments and getting a storm stirring, do what I do.
1. Have a positive attitude!
2. Don't be rude, showy, and self centered. (I'm not saying you are.)
3. Just say, "Yeah, people said rude things to me. All I know is that those comments don't compare to HAPPINESS! "
I know I'm kinda a cheesy person, but I hope this advice helps. There's no such thing as a bad user, but if you want to stop being bullied, keep a great attitude and a smile. & Again, I hope this helped! - MontyPython

Bullied? BULLIED?! - visitor

The visitor's was the only one that actually matters. - visitor

I didn't mean to write saving. I'm just saying I don't know everything about this user, so why does a lot of people dislike him? - MontyPython

Why are you defending him if you don't know a lot about him? - Puga

@monty Python he messaged me and said I turned into a b***h for criticizing his posts/ - visitor

@Therandom - He shouldn't have insulted you like that. I'm sorry that happened. He didn't have the right to do that. /:( And I'm not defending him totally. I'm just saying one of those comments went a bit far and if he has such a problem with these comments then he should just ignore them and not share them with everyone and I just gave him a little advice too. The only reasons I've heard for not to like him are he doesn't like Eminem and he's self absorbed. That's about it. If I'm missing something, care to tell? - MontyPython

By sent to me you mean messages,what Positronwildhawk presumably said would be talking about you,not to you,so therefore,most of these are false,I think. - DapperPickle

@thetoptens fan I don't threaten people like that. So don't say false things about me. - visitor

I wasn't talking about you I wasn't talking about another visitor that threaded him. The comments on this post are getting out if order. Literally. - TopTensFan

Ah yes, just be malicious instead of raising an argument. - Puga

Oops, flagged visitor's comments. I just wanted to reply to the andre56 fanboy. - Puga

Andre is the worst top ten user - visitor

He knows that you are the one that threatened him. - TopTensFan

I hope you know that when celebrities get threatened. Word gets around. People will hate the person that threatened him. - TopTensFan

Yes because people will hate an UNKNOWN guy on THETOPTENS because he said something bad about a celeb who'll be irrelevant in a year. - Puga

I don't think I'm a dog. I act like a dog in an attempt to entertain. I don't think I'm a dog, that'd be retarded. - Puga

@toptensfan puga is just joking. - visitor

Puga nails it as always. - visitor

Like a care visitor - andre56

You cared enough to reply, Nathan. - Puga

I know. I act like one. There's a difference. - Puga

This post series is dumb. - IronSabbathPriest

Great b8 m8 - Puga

Iron sabbath priest cracked me up! 😂 - visitor

I don't see u making me - andre56

Selfiefan he literally said andre56 in the comment. - Puga

Grammar doesn't matter. The post isn't about grammar its about rude comments. - Selfiefan68

Only the eminem one was rude. - visitor

"Grammar doesn't matter"
Good luck telling your English teacher that one. - Puga

I wonder how many comments were made so far in this thread. - NuMetalManiak

Lol - visitor

Don't be so dramatic! People make fun of me but I never complains. - visitor

I know right - CerealGuy

Aren't you gonna make a top nice comments people sent to me. - Selfiefan68

This has gone to far - peytonmeyer1234

Agreed. - visitor

I'm so better then all of you. - Hannahmontanafan17

Distinguishing then and than; why it's important. - Puga

You wish. Your one of the worst users here. - visitor

Looks like your attempt at trying to seek attention isn't working. Sorry! - MontyPython

Even your grammar is wrong. - visitor

Hannahmontanafan17 your not better then all of us. I am - andre56

And andre56 misses the point completely. For the 50th time. - Puga

Andre 56, your bit better than everyone either. You claim you are just because your an actor. We have lives too, maybe we are not interested In your job. - visitor

The word bit should be no. - visitor

Great insult andre56. I'm literally in tears and on my 50th tissue...
Seriously, is that the best you got? - Puga

What does you being better than everyone have to do with anything Hannah Montana fan? - TopTensFan

@andre56 Oh, I need to get a life? Says the guy who reads my posts and comments, and then reads more even though he knows he won't like them just to leave hate on them. I know I do the same thing but a) I never said andre56 has no life so I don't come of as a hypocrite and B) I actually contribute other things to this site. - Puga

Nathan likes lab Rats. He's cool - billyungerforever

Because this is relevant. - Puga

@andre56 Do you have ANYTHING else of substance to say besides ad hominem attacks? - visitor

Are the best top ten users - visitor

*applause* - Puga

Lol, position Wildhawk. But what does your statement have to do with anything? - visitor

But those users are
Awesome. - visitor

Saving... - andre56

True. - visitor

Lol you are so wrong - andre56

How so? - Puga

Eh…I think I'm right…. - visitor

Eh... I think I'm right…. - visitor

No your not - andre56

And how about you bring up an argument instead of just saying he's wrong, andre56? - Puga

Well, people have different opinions. I don't HAVE to like you, your posts, and your lists, right? - visitor

Nah Andre, they're good users. Once again, I don't hate you Andre, but you can be a douchebag sometimes... - visitor

And also if you think positionwildhawk hates you beccause you hate eminem well positionwildhawk hates eminem as well and also he did not add this item I think you are jumping into conclusion so early - visitor

The point is positron is a nice user and he wouldn't add something like that. - visitor

Excatlly right Therandom - visitor

Thanks visitor. See, I hate most visitors but there are some like this one, who isn't an absolute douchebag. - visitor

Do u really know him like that? - andre56

Know who? This is what the reply button is for. - Puga

Know who? - visitor

Are u stuipd positionwildhawk - andre56

I don't know position wildhawk. I know positron wildhawk. And positron is a nice user. - visitor

Why are u guys trying to pick fights. Grow up. - Selfiefan68

It's the Internet. There's always gonna be a fight; the place is a gigantic battleground! - visitor

Yeah u guys are making it - peytonmeyer1234

Says you. - visitor

Are u trying to argue because I will win this - peytonmeyer1234

I highly doubt you could beat anyone at any argument. - Puga

Please, I never give up a fight. I will always have the last word, even with my parents. Good luck though... - visitor

@peytonmeyer1234: Oh no you won't! You're going down! - visitor

Hi andre56 - billyungerforever

Because this is even more relevant than your previous comment. SAY SOMETHING NOTEWORTHY OR DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. - Puga

It had nothing to do with the post! - Puga

Andre is the stupid one here - visitor

Why don't u make a account and well see who's stuipd - Selfiefan68

So you're saying that visitors have no authoritah to say that users suck, but it's okay if you're a user? Pathetic. - Puga