Top 10 Most Annoying Insects

The Top Ten
Mosquitoes Spanish for "small fly," mosquitoes are insects that have been known to cause various diseases. A sample of diseases caused by mosquitoes: malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, Zika virus.

I hate mosquitoes. They suck your blood, which is fine, but then it itches like crazy. At night, when you're trying to sleep, they go BZzZzZzzzzzZz, and you can't sleep. Then in the morning, you wake up with 999 itchy bites.

Plus, after they bite you, they make more mosquitoes to bite you. Oh, and my mum is vegan, and I'm not allowed to kill them. AAAAAH. They can also transmit diseases, so imagine if you die just because of these damn things.

Hate these jerks. When they bite, they leave you a rash that keeps you itching for days! They are creepy-looking, and the only reason why they bite you is to make even more mosquitoes (their blood helps feed the children), so it's not even for a good cause!

At least when bees sting you, they die after, so that makes you feel kinda good. But mosquitoes need to get wiped out. They are such a useless and pointless creature!


Mosquitoes are dumb. They always choose us as prey despite the fact that we have a much greater opportunity to kill them than any other large mammal due to our hands.

Flies, on the other hand, have literally thousands of eyes and are remarkably agile and quick fliers. If you don't have a fly swatter ready, they are capable of annoying the life out of you constantly until you, by some miracle, manage to kill one.

Mosquitoes have a really painful buzz and cause diseases, but if you're agile, at least you can smack them with your hands. Flies, on the other hand, are bloody disgusting and impossible to catch without a flyswatter.

To make things worse, they contain tons of bacteria inside them. Considering I have a HUGE flesh wound, I tend to keep away from them. They are also known to lay their eggs inside you, and I swear to God, that is bloody terrifying. Sorry, mosquitoes, you guys are WAY out of the league of flies.


We need bees for honey and flowers, but they can be really annoying! People say bees won't bother you if you don't bother them, but that isn't even true. They fly in your face and sting you if you try to swat them away.

I have a phobia of them, and for good reason. They can swarm you, and you can die from their stings! Just thinking about it makes me cringe.

Carpenter bees, bumblebees, and all wasps just make a beeline for me the second I step out the door. What makes it worse is that I'm slightly allergic.

Bed Bugs

There's one insect that deserves a mention on the gross/disgusting chart, and it's probably the kissing/assassin bug. They look a lot like regular beetles, but what they do is probably the most disgusting part. They are also fatal disease-spreaders. They crawl up onto your face at night, suck your blood, defecate into the wound, then you feel an itch, and you're dead without proper treatment.

Thankfully, these cases are only prevalent in tropical regions, such as Central America and Southeast Asia. I visited Thailand when I first heard of the insect, so be sure to use mosquito nets. Chagas parasite cases are rare in temperate zones.


Oh my gosh, yes! They are super hard to kill and hard to catch. They get into everywhere, and they are so small and hard to find. Their bites affect you really badly, and they are the reason why your dog is itching so much (besides fleas). SCREW THEM!

Years ago, when I was little, I had to always check myself for these things after playing outside. It got so annoying!

They are so gross. They can get into your skin, and if they do that, it's nearly impossible to get them out. Also, they are one of the creepiest-looking things out there.

Fleas Flea, the common name for the order Siphonaptera, includes 2,500 species of small flightless insects that live as external parasites of mammals and birds. Fleas live by ingesting the blood of their hosts. Adult fleas grow to about 3 millimetres (1⁄8 inch) long, are usually brown, and have bodies that... read more

Fleas should be number two (behind mosquitoes). They're annoying, they make people and animals itch, and they carry disease (these guys are responsible for the Bubonic plague).

At least bees are beneficial to the environment as they are essential to many flowering plants and crops as agents of pollination. Fleas, on the other hand, are just useless, and the world would probably be perfectly fine if fleas went extinct.

Hey, this should be higher. They are so small, jump really high, and crawl away really fast. Plus, they breed worse than bunnies. They leave itchy bumps on your sweet, loving animal, you, and your friends.

Point is, they're a pain to kill and a pain to live with.

Ants Ants are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae and, along with the related wasps and bees, belong to the order Hymenoptera.

One time, I was doing work in my yard with my mom, and she handed me a big bush to throw away. A fire ant colony (or some other kind of ant) apparently lived in that bush, and I got stung a bunch on my arm. It hurt, and it looked like I had chicken pox on just my arm.

They are annoying and stupid. They get in your house and steal bits of food you have on the ground. Wherever I step, I don't know if they are there or not! It's worse if you have a carpeted floor.

These are some of the most annoying insects in my life! A lot of ants keep crawling on my body and biting me. I have a lot of ant bites now. These evil creatures are everywhere around my house!


Gnats are awful because they're the smallest things ever. Mosquitoes are very close, honestly, but really, gnats are just too tricky to kill, and there are quadrillions of them in the world. One quadrillion is 1,000 trillion. It's just awful that they're so common.

Gnats are extremely annoying like flies and hard to kill - you have to use a spray. Gnats like to crawl on the computer screen.

I absolutely hate gnats! They fly into my room, and I have to use my hands to catch one. It always interferes with what I'm doing, such as drawing.


These things are the bees' evil cousins. While bees contribute to society by pollinating, wasps just sting people.

Cockroaches Cockroaches (or roaches) are a paraphyletic group of insects belonging to Blattodea, containing all members of the group except termites. About 30 cockroach species out of 4,600 are associated with human habitats. Some species are well-known as pests... read more

They are super gross. I remember when I was vacationing in our rental in Florida, we would find at least five cockroaches every day! They are the grossest creatures to ever live, and they are pretty hard to kill! They suck!

When I came to school church, I saw a lot of cockroaches in the buildings! It's very disgusting! A lot of cockroaches were dead. Eww, I can't step on them because my shoes will get dirty or full of guts!

My worst fear. Every time I see one, I scream and run away as far as I can while I nuke the area.

The Newcomers

? Crane Flies
? Fruit Flies
The Contenders
Brown Stinkbugs

Once one lives, the whole area will be populated by these annoying creatures. They stay in your house all year (even in summer). In summer or autumn, don't open your window. They immediately go into your house.

Once they are killed, they smell. You can't leave them alone either because they pee (or something) on your house. They are very, very rude, going around your house to surprise you when you don't expect it!

Invasive species that came from Asia and are destroying U.S. crops. The worst thing is when you stomp on them, they let out the worst smell ever that only summons more of them.

Head Louse

They're hard to kill. One usage of head louse shampoo isn't enough. You have to use it again to make sure they're dead. They make your head itch.

Carpenter Bees

They get in your hair and stay there forever. They are the biggest burden to parents. You can't get a haircut if the stylist finds out! The eggs (nits) are stuck with glue! Everyone hates them, and they lower your self-esteem.


Cicadas are not only annoying with their loud song, but they're also almost fully blind and don't care where they land, including your face.

P.S. They're scary too.

Their singing is extremely annoying. Shut up! They sing, then stop, then sing again for a long time.

They're stupid. They sit on the door until someone kills them, yet they don't fly away when someone is coming.

Fire Ant

Fire ants, when they bite, excrete dangerous formic acid.

Termites Termites are eusocial insects that are classified at the taxonomic rank of infraorder Isoptera, or as epifamily Termitoidae within the cockroach order Blattodea.

If your house has termites, don't put any wooden furniture in it. DON'T put your wooden furniture inside, or else all your wooden furniture will be gone, and all your money for it will be wasted.

Hornets Hornets are the largest of the eusocial wasps, and are similar in appearance to their close relatives yellowjackets. Some species can reach up to 5.5 cm in length.

These chase me all over and try to sting me. I don't get stung, but they scare me to death.


By far the longest-lasting annoyance of any insect. They hitch a ride on me every time I set foot in the woods!

They bit me literally everywhere. Extreme genital itching.

Moths Moths comprise a group of insects related to butterflies, belonging to the order Lepidoptera. Most lepidopterans are moths; and there are thought to be approximately 160,000 species of moth, many of which are yet to be described.

I don't mind moths. If there is one in my house, I let them out. Some can actually be quite beautiful: luna moths, Madagascan sunset moths, atlas moths, sphinx moths, cecropia moths, etc.

Only one kind of moth eats clothes, and others don't even eat at all. Even if they do, they pollinate flowers. I do admit they get a little annoying when they keep bumping into me, but like I said, I let them out.

But I do respect others' opinions on moths. You may find them annoying or creepy, but I find them quite fascinating creatures. It's just my personal opinion.

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