Top Ten Mythical Beasts

Dragons are single-handedly the most awesome, best, and coolest in the world. I love drawing them and writing about them. The myths are the most epic! They breathe fire and are perceived in different ways. They are featured in many mythologies and cultures. They are the best.
If they existed, that would be awesome (unless they wanted to kill us). Dragons are also fierce. Sometimes, they can transform into humans, and in some myths, people could reach a certain level and become one!
It just says that ancient dragons are aged 801 years or more. Going by that, 1,200 years would be a fair estimate of the likely maximum lifespan of a dragon.
When using their magic, dragons can also forge a blade with their breath.
Frost Breath - In addition to fire, some dragons are capable of breathing a stream of ice from their mouths that can freeze anything it hits.
Flight - Dragons have giant bat-like wings, which they use to fly and capture prey.

"Their tears have healing powers." Phoenixes are among the strongest and most durable of supernatural creatures. They are quite powerful and almost impossible to kill.
Spontaneous Combustion/Incineration Touch - In human form, a Phoenix can incinerate anyone or anything with a single touch. Phoenixes are only "immortal" in the sense that they can never die of old age, rising from the ashes each time. In every other way, they are as easily killed as a large, particularly bright eagle. When it dies, it immolates itself, and then a new Phoenix rises from the ashes.

The giant squid cannot destroy ships the size krakens can. In fact, they don't even come to the surface enough to do that. Krakens have to be almost five times the size of giant squids.
The Kraken should be #1. It's so kickass, tearing ships in two, and it's been proven to be real! Yup, the giant squid is the Kraken!
They look twice as harmful as a Chupacabra.

Unicorns are notoriously hard to catch, which is probably why we see so few of them. They are afraid of Labradors and have been known to attack them, although they become docile around pheasants. The magical powers of unicorns are also legendary. Unicorn horns are said to be harder than diamonds, and unicorn tears are believed to have the power to heal both physical wounds and sorrows of the heart.
Some myths say that if you capture it, it will grant you a wish. Others say that its horn can be a wand if broken off. Even some say that seeing one will give you good luck. But the one I want to talk about is in Roman mythology. In Roman myths, the powder from a unicorn's horn can heal poisons, acids, and lethal wounds.

Werewolves dislike the smell of a plant called wolfsbane and will stay away if it's nearby. They also hate to be around objects made from silver or iron. As with their rivals, the vampires, werewolves are immortal. The original werewolf survived over 800 years of captivity with no food or water in what appeared to be a type of hibernation.
They possess enhanced senses of smell, hearing, and sight that are superior even to those of wolves, not just humans.
Professor Remus Lupin had a sad, sad story. He was only a boy walking through the Forbidden Forest when, out of nowhere, a werewolf jumped out, bit his arm, and now every full moon (if he sees the moon), he turns into a creepy, hideous werewolf. The end. This was a real story, no joke.

In Bakugan, there's a Bakugan called Hydranoid, which at first has a single head. Over time, however, it evolves into Dual Hydranoid, which has two heads. Its final evolved form, Alpha Hydranoid, has three heads. The Hydra itself is really cool in Greek and Roman mythology.
Next to the dragon, the Hydra is my favorite mythical beast of all time.
I wish the hydra was my pet. I just want to cuddle with a spawn of Satan. I'd most likely die, but I want a Hydra. It's awesome.
It is a three-headed animal that scares people by the sight of its three heads.

Griffins are the best by far! But I'm not surprised that Dragons are higher than Griffins. I mean, who doesn't like a giant, flying, fire-breathing lizard? Apparently, no one tends to think about the fact that Dragons EAT humans.
I mean, I know for one thing I don't think about that, and I still love them! But Griffins are just awesome in general! I think they're the best, and you should too!
Whenever I think of griffins, I always think of that one scene from The Chronicles of Narnia when that one griffin is turned to stone and falls out of the sky and dies. But I love griffins.

A pet basilisk is cool. When anyone gets in my room to see what I'm up to (I'm the person who said I'm a Vampire, and I'm so proud), my pet basilisk will look at them, and they will become one of my favorite statues.
So, the basilisk is in my top 3 with vampires and the leviathan.
This creature can be people's worst nightmare - I mean, a giant snake?! Cool! They vary in size and have unique appearances and powers. I don't think I've ever seen one with legs, though. In my opinion, that would ruin the entire look.
I love snakes, and this is just a big snake. It looks very huggable, even if hugging it would be the last thing I do.

Pegasus is a white-winged horse that sprang from the neck of the Gorgon Medusa when Perseus beheaded her. The name Pegasus is derived from the Greek "pegai," which means "springs" or "waters," and Chrysaor's name means "the golden sword."
Pegasus was an immortal, winged horse that sprang from the neck of the beheaded Gorgon Medusa. It was tamed by Bellerophon, who rode it into battle against the fire-breathing monster known as the Chimera. Pegasus winged his way onto Olympus, where he became the thunderbolt-bearer of Zeus.

Vampires crave the blood of the living, whom they hunt during the night. Vampires are potentially immortal, but they do have a few weaknesses. They can be destroyed by a stake through the heart, fire, beheading, and direct sunlight, and they are wary of crucifixes, holy water, and garlic.
Although they can last weeks without blood, more than two months will result in them becoming extremely weak and decomposing.
This should really be higher. Vampires are really cool, not just because of sucking blood, but because of unique behaviors such as waking up in light, turning into bats, and being rather calm yet dangerous people. And yes, I should give credit to the blood thing because it is also a unique behavior.
Also, Count Dracula is an insanely good example of how awesome vampires are.
The Newcomers

Dioskilos, according to mythology, is a two-headed dog. He was featured in the movie Clash of the Titans.

A centaur is a mythological creature, half human and half horse. Good appearance of a centaur in the series Xena: Warrior Princess. A centaur has slow speed but great power.
I've heard of those before but not their name. Only one time.
I feel like, in a way, they almost aren't beasts.

Kitsune are often portrayed as wild, occasionally wicked foxes who delight in mischief, pranks, or evil. They are often seen as tricksters or sometimes even powerful sorcerers who use their abilities for evil. Even so, they are known to keep their promises, repay any debts, and remember friendships.
There are thirteen different kinds of Kitsune, each with a corresponding element, listed as follows: Heaven (or Celestial or Prime), Void (or Dark), Wind, Spirit, Fire, Earth, River, Ocean, Mountain, Forest, Thunder, Time, and Sound.

What the hell? No doubt, this should be number one. Who wouldn't agree? I just don't understand.
I'm sorry, but how is the Kraken higher than the Leviathan on this list?
He appears to be a whale-looking shark. Why isn't he number one?

It's simply the best and requires no explanation.
Wyverns are so cool, and I like that they are like dragons but really not.
Wyverns are strong dragons that come in three powers: lightning, poisoning, and fire.

A terrifying but incredibly fascinating chance at stories to tell around the campfire.
Tell Banshee stories around the campfire. It's great.
I have heard of it, and she seems pretty freaky.

Because he has three heads, he is the biggest thing I've ever seen. We chose him because he looked majestic and grand. He caught our eye because he looked superb.
This is a fabulous website. Please do others like this!
My comparison to the three-headed Cerberus in Clash of the Titans. Apologies for my last post. In Clash of the Titans, the film depicts Cerberus with two heads instead of three. In the film, Cerberus guards the gate to the place of Medusa. Medusa, in the same way, is a Gorgon.

If I could turn into anything that could swim so powerfully and so fast, it would be a mermaid. If I were a mermaid, I would swim as well as Ariel in The Little Mermaid and make friends with other sea creatures.
The Sea Nymph Mermaid is a beautiful female fish who lives in water. She is very fast and uses her magic to lift bodies of water. She possesses very powerful magic.

Alright, we got an issue here. Sasquatches are 100% real, and I will not be changing this belief.

The Yeti, or Snowman, is the oldest legendary big monkey. I compare the Yeti to the big man-style monkey in the serial Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 4, episode The Way. The monkey Yeti man, named HANIMAN, in this episode has great speed, jumping ability, and strength. My comparison is the Yeti (HANIMAN).

Great discovery: Gorgon is in the game Drakensang Online. Compare the Gorgon woman of the film Clash of the Titans and the men and women in the game Drakensang in the crash empire of Atlantida, an astral water world in the sea and island.
A Gorgon is a creature with hair made of snakes. If you meet her gaze, you turn to stone. She is armed with many weapons and can fly.
Gorgon is the sister of Medusa.

I like golems because there are different types like regular, ice, molten, root, and more! They are one of my favorite mythical creatures.
In Super Scribblenauts, I would always make mythical creatures like him.
We need more golems in Minecraft.
The golem is a beast from Prague.

Very cool monster, but the problem is that we have no idea what kind of monster it is. It might be an alien, a mange dog, or something else entirely.
They give me chills, but I'm glad they're not real even though some people believe they are not fake.