Top 10 Scariest Spiders
This list is all about the scariest spiders in the world. Don't look at this page if you have arachnophobia or if you are faint hearted. If you like them enjoy reading! Don't even try to pick a dangerous one up.
Be careful before walking in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. You might see these large spiders in the forest. Unfortunately, they are very deadly, resulting in a powerful bite. If left untreated, the venom will kill an adult human. The venom will automatically kill a mouse. It is the No. 1 deadliest spider in the world.
This is a spider to be scared of. It is highly aggressive and super poisonous. In fact, in 2010, the Guinness Book of World Records named it the deadliest spider in the world.
Ah yes, the Brazilian Wandering Spider, also known as NOPE. I hate spiders, and this one will kill you. No thank you.

These spiders are black with a red hourglass printed on their backs. If accidentally touched or sat on, they will bite. The bite is 15 times more powerful than a rattlesnake bite. That's why you need immediate medical care. It is the No. 2 deadliest spider.
Black widows are a scary spider. A Black Widow's bite possibly can kill someone! I'm not saying the bite WILL kill someone.
Just think of the song... Think of the song... Think of the song by Iggy...

It might be large, but the Wolf Spider can bite, causing pain, stings, and redness to the area. Rarely, they cause powerful bites depending on the species.
Because they look very scary and are the best scariest spiders in my family, but my brother, my mom, and I... My brother and I don't like spiders, but my mom does.

The mouse spider lives in Australia. It can cause serious symptoms if touched or threatened. Its bite is powerful and dangerous.

The Sydney Funnel-Web Spider is much more defensive than the Brazilian Wandering Spider (look at the videos and tell me which one is more aggressive). With long fangs that can pierce a toenail, drip extremely toxic venom, and strike repeatedly, this is a scary spider. The SFW also rarely dry bites, meaning that each time they bite, they almost certainly inject venom. The BWS, however, frequently dry bites.
The SFW also has a tendency to wander into people's houses, hiding in shoes. They don't appreciate you trying to put your foot into the shoe when they are in there either. Once again, watch the videos.
Size, hairiness, and habitat aside, the SFW's venom (atrotoxin) affects primates (i.e., humans) significantly more than the BWS's venom (neurotoxin). The BWS earned its reputation primarily based on Guinness World Records' LD50 measurement of how much venom is required to kill a test population of mice. We are not mice.
The facts also suggest that the SFW has killed more people than the BWS, despite Brazil being a more densely populated country than Australia.
Oh, and the other spiders don't even come close to being as scary. The Black Widow? Please... it's a kitten compared to the SFW.

Now we're talking! It is normal to be scared and terrified of this spider because leg spans can increase from 25 to 30 cm. It is the largest spider and tarantula in the world and lives in northern Brazil near the Amazon rainforest. However, if threatened, the spider will bite but hardly cause any pain.
I have a serious fear of spiders. And I learned this one can grow as big as a dinner plate.

I actually love spiders. I have a curly-haired tarantula right now and also a Brown Recluse. Spiders can be really interesting and fun to learn about. Now, I won't recommend holding one, but they can be amazing spiders as pets.
The Brown Recluse spider originates from the southern states. Like the Black Widow, if accidentally touched or sat on, it will bite, but the venom is less powerful. The spider is quite big. Often, the spider lives in the basement or behind dusty wardrobes.
First thought that entered my head: OH MY GOD... This thing is freaky.
This Indian spider can be deadly. Depending on the bite, it can cause extreme pain, swelling, and redness for more than 24 hours. So, don't touch one.

This is actually one of the prettiest spiders I have ever seen. I need to draw this.
The Newcomers

This spider has the largest leg span in the world. No wonder it is so scary! It can have spans of up to 35 cm, making it the largest leg-spanned spider ever. Don't try to disturb it. Otherwise, it will bite. Often, the spider will give a warning before biting.
Aren't these the spiders I see on YouTube that are the size of dinner plates and jump in Australia?!

Ogre-faced spiders freaked me out as a kid. I would skip past their page in my encyclopedia because just seeing them scared me to the bone.
I live in Ireland, and here the most dangerous spider is the False Widow. The other spiders here are harmless.
No... Don't remind me! Cries!
May I share with you a TRUE horror story?
It was night. I was in the forest doing normal therian stuff, and BOOM! Did I just run into a web?
Sees this creepy crap on my face! AHHH AROOO AH
More terrifying in appearance than any venomous spider, and they are easy to walk into at night.

Their bite is just a pinprick in the palm of your hand. They're hard to spot until one lands on your face. shudders