Top Ten Deadliest Big Cats

Across America, Europe, Asia and Africa, all over the world the top ten deadliest of the amazing family. The big cats!
The Top Ten
Bengal Tiger

Ya know? Muscle-wise, Bengal Tiger is the strongest tiger, even if Siberian Tiger is larger. And definitely VERY DANGEROUS!
Tigers HAVE to be stronger than lions; they hunt on their own and keep up their strength. Lion does not; he got his girls to do that.
Did you know? Bengal tigers regularly climb the straightest and tallest of trees faster than leopards? BETCHA didn't know that!
So they exercise a lot and keep up their strength.
And guys, a Bengal tiger's diet has a wide variety.
1. Large deer.
2. Rabbits
3. Pythons
4. Sloth Bears
5. Baby elephants (adults too, though rarely)
6. Baby rhinos (adults too, though rarely)
7. Panthers
8. Wolves
9. Fox
Tigers are capable of killing almost ANY animal in the world. TIGERS RULE!

Lion The lion (Panthera leo) is a large cat of the genus Panthera native to Africa and India. It has a muscular, broad-chested body, short, rounded head, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail. It is sexually dimorphic; adult male lions are larger than females and have a prominent mane. It is... read more

Coming in second only to the tiger lions are no push over. From birth the male lion is destined to fight for his life, chased out of his pride by dominant male (usually his father) or those that take over (which means he'll leave much earlier:(). The females do most of the hunting and most people might call the males lazy, but keep in mind that when a rival male comes along and defeats the dominant male, he will kill all cubs, so the male has to be fit for the fight. Comparing it to the tiger, I'll admit the bigger cat has a slight advantage in terms of size, power, bite force etc. The lion would come out on top in speed and its ROAR!. In a fight the odds are in the tiger's favour although there have been too little recorded fights between the two cats to really establish a sure winner, basically the sample is too small! Also consider lions roll in prides, might be an unfair fight but hey what is?

Now to why I voted for the lion, first let me say I love all the cats but this one just comes on top for me. You can't say majesty and royalty without talking about this feline. It has this regal appearance and boy does he act like it! A harem of queens ready to feed you and walking on the savanna plains like he owns them.

Let us not forget the bigger picture here, we might squabble about which is the better feline but we're destroying their habitats and endangering these beautiful animals. I suggest you find out what small role you can play to ensure that they survive and be cats we LOVE them for!

Siberian Tiger The Siberian tiger, also known as the Amur tiger, is a tiger population inhabiting mainly the Sikhote Alin mountain region with a small population in southwest Primorye Province in the Russian Far East.

A Siberian Tiger has the endurance to survive in some of the coldest conditions and is the biggest species of tiger. It can also climb, swim, run and jump with the athletic ability of a much smaller cat. The Siberian tiger is a creature that can out run any man, out swim any man and out climb any man. Lion's do so well because of there numbers, cheetah's because of there speed and leopards because of there havens in trees and up mountains. Tigers live alone and hunt animals that most predators couldn't kill in a group. Tigers are the perfect hunters and before man were top of the food chain.

Jaguar The jaguar (Panthera onca) is a large cat species and the only living member of the genus Panthera native to the Americas. With a body length of up to 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) and a weight of up to 158 kg (348 lb), it is the largest cat species in the Americas and the third largest in the world. Its distinctively... read more

If you see the sentence that starts out with "I 100% love jaguars! ", you should vote for it. The jaguar is the most feared predator in South America. It could crack a skull of dear and wild boar, and can do the same to us. EEK! Their temper is very nasty. They're better than leopards because they're bigger, stronger, heavier and deadlier than leopards (even lions and tigers, and all the other cats on this list). Here are some reasons why the jaguar is the deadliest cat in the world: 1) He has a very scary temper. 2) He would attack people who want to take their skin. 3) He could fight animals that are twice its size. 4) He got his name from the Indian word "jaguara" which means "beast that kills in a single bound".


The liger is a big, big cat (bigger than tiger or lion), but it is not as deadly as other wild cats. As a hybrid, it has many medical disorders and lacks the ability of true born hunting as it was not born in the wild. I could imagine that if it was born wild it would be ferocious, but the only area where that could happen is in a small forest in western India. But the lion species here (the Asian lion) is much smaller and the tiger would probably kill it. Although this, still don't put your guard down if you see this big cat.

Snow Leopard The snow leopard (Panthera uncia), also known as the ounce, is a felid in the genus Panthera native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List because the global population is estimated to number fewer than 10,000 mature individuals and is expected... read more

Another type of leopard on the list, not quite as dangerous as the critically endangered Amur leopard but still deadly. These are quite endangered.

I like them because they are cute and I like cold places and snow leaopard actually lives in cold places. And they are so awesome!

I think the snow leopard is the best animal ever and I hate anyone who does not think so.

Leopard The leopard is one of the five "big cats" in the genus Panthera. It is one of the most adaptable and the most widespread big cat; it's secrets being:well camouflaged fur; its opportunistic hunting behaviour, broad diet, and strength to move heavy carcasses into trees; its ability to adapt to various... read more

The black panther is the most dominant and deadly big cat out of any. They are very intelligent and are virtually invisible at night when they hunt, this is due to their dark black fur. They are the best climbers and can ambush prey from the trees. They have very powerful jaws and razor sharp teeth as well as nails. They are fast, aggressive, and very agile. They can adapt to any climate in the world such as jungles, swamps, rainforests, mountains, deserts, and more. They are nicknamed ghosts of the forests. They are primarily solitary animals and are very protective when it comes to their territory. Panthers fear nothing and are rarely preyed on by other species and that is only due to an invasion of their privacy or territory. From these facts I conclude that the panther is the dominant big cat, the only other cat that can take its place is the Bengal tiger.

Amur Leopard Found in the Russian Far East and parts of China, this leopard subspecies is critically endangered with only a few dozen individuals remaining in the wild. It is known for its distinctive spotted coat, which is paler than that of other leopards. It is a solitary animal, mainly preying on deer and small... read more

If you live in Asia, don't worry too much because these are the third (almost second) most endangered animals in the world. With only just over 100 left, you would be lucky to find one. That is much more endangered than the tiger. There are still about two and a half thousand tigers left.

I think they are the most dangerous cats on the planet even though they are endangered they still have the same right to earn a top place. I read online and even saw a picture that a Amur leopard had killed 15 birds, 5 wild cats and 2 humans trying to make it a third.

Cougar The cougar, also commonly known as the mountain lion, puma, panther, or catamount, is a large felid of the subfamily Felinae native to the Americas.

Cougars are specifically known for pouncing above you in the mountains usually landing on your back and bitting your neck, from there, well, I think it likes human buffet. However, we must compare it's size and strength to that of lions and leopards. When you think enough, it doesn't stand a chance.

Mountain Lions live literally within the city limits in several areas of western North America, including Los Angeles and San Francisco. This makes them incredibly dangerous to small children and pets.

Smilodon Smilodon was a saber-toothed cat from North and South America that lived 1.5 million to 10,000 years ago. It had a short tail, but very strong legs and paws for catching big prey. It was also 7.2 feet (2.2 meters) from nose to tail... read more

Smilodons themselves are by far deadlier than lions and tigers. I mean, for Pete Sake, they have fangs! However, I think deadly means killing humans and stuff like those (please correct me if I am wrong, if you do, this is number one). In that case, the smilodon is extinct so it didn't kill any humans.

Smilodon-! How can you not say it's the deadliest cat that ever lived. I mean, HELLO! Teeth up to 11 inches big. One bite from this creature and your dead-Smilodon chow.

Smilodon or, Sabertooth Cats, are the largest cats I KNOW. Also, I THINK they have some of the biggest carnivore teeth ever!

The Newcomers

? Tiliger
? American Cheetah
The Contenders
Sumatran Tiger A critically endangered subspecies of tiger, the Sumatran Tiger is native to the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It is the smallest of all tiger subspecies and is distinguished by its thick, dark stripes. Its primary diet includes deer, wild boar, and other large mammals.

Shows no mercy if you scratch his CD.

The 3rd biggest tiger
2 bengal tiger
1 siberian tiger they are very powerful and strong cats

Cheetah The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is a large cat and native to Africa and central Iran. It is the fastest land animal, estimated to be capable of running at 80 to 128 km/h (50 to 80 mph) with the fastest reliably recorded speeds being 93 and 98 km/h (58 and 61 mph), and as such has several adaptations... read more

These guys are not as strong so they are not too deadly. I read in a book that these cuties do not have a fight response when it comes to notice a human from a safe distance. More of these awesome cats are tamed. But I respect others opinion so no hating.

Can you people cut the cheetah some slack? They are not built for fighting they are built for running. Anyway they are more incredible than all the big cats combined.

No, no, no! People, seriously. Cheetahs are actually mostly harmless to humans! They don't attack people unless directly threatened. They're hardly dangerous at all.

Tigon A hybrid animal resulting from the crossbreeding of a male tiger and a female lion, the Tigon inherits traits from both parents, such as a mane from the lion side and striping from the tiger side. The Tigon's size falls between that of its parent species and they are usually sterile.

They are awesome! They are babies of a lion and a tiger!

! People their are no such thing as a Tigon

These only exsist if it's a female the males are ligers if I'm wrong these don't exsist! My dads a animals sincetist


A hybrid between Jaguar and Lion. A very, VERY strong cat.


I believe Panthers are very deadly. They can tear you limb from limb

Cave Lion An extinct species of lion that once inhabited Eurasia, the Cave Lion is known from fossil evidence and ancient cave paintings. It was slightly larger than the modern African lion and is believed to have been a top predator in its ecosystem, preying on large mammals like deer and bison.
American Lion

Wait wait how can it be at less than lion? And someone wrote I didn't know that there are lions at America It is not a lion at real

I didn't know that there is a lion that lives in America.

Other wise known as Mountain Lion, Cougar, or Puma.

Saber-Toothed Cat

These actually aren't cats! Look it up! Sorry, on TopTens it's really hard to get the 'period' key on the keyboard to work so I use exclaimation points

They are extinct because when the frozen up they died All of them

It's the same thing as a smilodon. this should not be on this list

Giant Cheetah

People you need to stop adding random cats to this list. There is no such thing as a giant cheetah

There is a giant cheetah. Search it up

Javan Tiger
Malayan Tiger
Sunda Clouded Leopard
Ngandong Tiger

It's the biggest tiger ever to live! Its even bigger than the Siberian tiger! But its extinct

Caspian Tiger
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