Assassins Creed: Terror: Memory 1 (Deer is stupid)

2storm Ftut Isile was walking with mother.
Ftut: Mama.
Czera: Hey son.
Ftut: Can I go hunt.
Czera: Sure be at the village at 13:00
Ftut: Ok.
Ftut gets out his bow

Ftut: I need to get a rabbit.

Ftut keeps walking and shoots a chipmunk then skins it. Then he sees a friend of his.
Ftut: Hey Byermn.
Byermn: Hey Ftut.
Ftut: What are you doing here?
Byermn: Hunting.
Ftut: Me too.
Byermn: Can you run up trees?
Ftut: Yes.
Byermn: Show me.
Ftut runs up a tree and jumps to a limb and then jumps to a rock.
Byermn: Show off.
Ftut: Yep.
Ftut than sees a deer.
Ftut: Shut up I can shoot it.
He takes out his bow.The deer then looks at him then looks away.
Ftut: Stupid deer.
He then shoots it in the stomach.
Byermn: Are you going to eat and skin it?
Ftut: Yes let's go to camp.
They hear a weird noise
Ftut: Byermn get the guards.
Byermn: Why?
Ftut: Mongolians are coming.
Byermn: Run!
Mongolian Warrior: Attack!

At the village.
Ftut: Guards the Mongolians are coming.
Warrior: Ha yeah right keep playing your game.
The guard is shot with a arrow.
Ftut: Byermn get inside.
Byermn is running then a log from a tree falls on him.
Byermn: I can't get out!
Ftut: I have to go I'm sorry.
Byermn: NO!
He gets his head chopped off.
Ftut: No!
He gets his arrow out and shoots the warrior but he gets knocked out right after.


Good one - bobbythebrony

Interesting - visitor