Bible Lesson: The World Today

2storm The world today is so wild. With Isis, Politics, Disease, Marriage, Cops, War... just so wild. People say that this is a dark times for Christians. Personally I think we are doing stuff where not supposed we are forcing things down people's throats we as Christians are not supposed to do that. We as Christians need to respect people. We need to respect Homosexual people if they want to marry their own people let them. It Doesn't mean they are not human it doesn't mean they are not bad Christians. That technically means we are not being good Christians. God teaches us to respect people the way we want to be treated. By not doing this we are becoming Isis we the only difference is we are not killing people. We as Christians need to stop offending people. I technically think all these Religions/Atheism are hypocritical. But we just need to worry about ourselves you can maybe try to convince people to be a Christian but don't force it. John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." See but he does not guarantee eternal life don't we all want that but we can't get it unless we believe we can believe without believing in God and God says respect people. If you are not a Christian I encourage you to believe and if you are one don't offend people. If you are another religion of Atheists I hope I inspired you try to go in a Church see how it is and don't believe I am forcing just try. And see you next week if you liked give me suggestions maybe I do one.

Next Lesson: Judgement Day.


Today's world is full of mostly stupid people - bobbythebrony

True that. - visitor

Personally, while I believe that gay people should be respected and same with every other people, like atheists, we as Christians should still remember that it's our duty to make disciples, and to teach them which would favor God. It's just that we shouldn't force it, or else we're being hypocrites. - visitor