The reason I use this site

445956 I am socially awkward in real life, and I act autistic even though I am not. I have only a few friends in real life, and this site helped me make friends.

There are other list sites, but on those you can't make your own lists or message other people.

I find it very upsetting that beloved users are going against me, and I did not mean to get Puga banned. Sausagelover99 threatened to murder me and said I should date Hitler, and is the worst troll of all time, and that fact that you were trying to vote me out on that elimination game before him seriously hurts my feelings that people prefer an idiot troll that threatened to kill me over me.

I never knew why those user elimination games were a trend; they didn't seem to hurt other people's feeling but you really never know what is going to happen, and you should get the user's permission before making the post.

I want you all to realize that life isn't easy for me and this site is helping me through it, but by talking bad about me behind my back physically hurts me. I don't even want to be friends, I just don't want you people to talk about me.

That list of "Best Things About TheTopTens' Community in 2018" was a stupid joke list that I asked admin to delete, and he refused.

He shouldn't have made the Gen-18 elimination game because he probably should have just laid off Gen-18 for a bit.

To let you know, my former best friend on this site died if you didn't realize, and I commonly get upset thinking about him.

I want this all to end so I can go back into good user status. If you want to be friends, feel free to leave a message.



I feel bad for you, you don’t deserve any of those things and you’re a really good user. - visitor

I feel bad for you, don't worry, I won't be agianst you, in fact, I actually have autism in real life, so I can relate to you, it's really sad your former best friend on this site died recently, really sad to think about it... :( - visitor

I don't have autism but I still cry easily and I am socially awkward, and I am constantly being asked if I am autistic. - 445956

I'm guessing that best friend was naFrovivuS. - visitor

Yes - 445956

I didn't know that any of this stuff was going on. Dude, there's nothing to worry about. You're good. - phillysports

Sorry dude - Gangem

So, you're basically summing up that you have severe anxiety and depression.

I have anxiety and depression as well. And if you ask, naFrovivus's death also upsets me as well. And I'm not presenting any degree of animosity towards you anyway. You're young from what I could tell, and you still have much to learn in the future. I mean, I'm much early into adulthood, so I can understand.

Also, you can tell that I'm not too interested in joke lists and comparison/elimination posts from my overall site activity.

I hope you'll pull through. You'll definitely get better :). - CrimsonShark

I don't have depression. - 445956

My mistake, and I apologize. But I do hope you got what I meant. - CrimsonShark

I'm Sorry for naFroviouS :( - Martinglez

Yo, I feel you bro. I can be socially awkward at tines as well. I won't ever go against you, and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here. - visitor

I’m sorry that your friend is dead, but “acting autistic” is no excuse - visitor

Excuse? I cry a lot, am socially awkward, and my real life friends always ask if I am autistic. - 445956

But you’re not autistic. “Acting autistic” is not an excuse for your actions, just as autism isn’t an excuse for certain actions they make - visitor

I'm sorry for you.
RIP naFrovivuS too. - visitor

NaFroviouS seemed nice, but I didn't get to talk to him much (he wasn't alive for very long after we met; it was in early January).

About autism, I HAVE IT TOO! It's not a joke if you have it. I always have this feeling that EVERYONE is against me on EVERYTHING!

If you don't have it, then what DO you have?

Also, I messaged you two days ago about something (not going to bother to mention what, you should know if you got the message). Can you respond to it? - visitor

I don't have autism, but I am socially awkward, cry a lot, and I am always ased if I am autistic by my friends. - 445956

I understand! - visitor

I wish this didn't happen! - visitor

Sorry this happened, dude. - visitor

Hey...Don't feel bad about anything , you honestly...didn't do me.
It wasn't your fault, you actually tried to make this site a better place.

Your list wasn't bad either, I don't see anything wrong with it.
Just be's too short to care about what others think about you. I told you before, don't heed fools...just neglect them. - visitor

Don't worry, we're here for you. I'll talk to you if you ever need it. - Elric-san

I didn't even know any of this stuff was happening. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I'll talk to you if you need it. - FrozenHatingPokefan